Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Easy Fix and Bad Sleeps

I hate it when I got to make something and right in the middle of making it, I realize I don't have an ingredient.  Well, I was going out Friday night with family so I thought I'd make some pumpkin pie for my kiddos and Charles as a treat. Then I realize I didn't have evaporated milk.  Sometimes it's not a big deal but this time I thought I'd do a search and find out why it's important rather than just regular milk.  There is several different ways to substitute but my favorite was just putting double the amount of what you need of milk, then (Just under) slightly boil till it's down to half the amount it was.  You don't want it to boil or it can curdle. You don't know how many times I've forgotten to buy evaporated milk. I didn't know the fix was so simple!  You can read about it HERE. So, they were still able to have homemade pumpkin pie.  :)  It's like a hug from mama for being away. 

It was fun though because I visited with family from out of state!  I love Aunt Joy and Uncle Lloyd.  They are so kind, lovable, and always a joy to be around.  I look forward to seeing them every time they travel our way.  Ivy is in the picture with us because she was named after Aunt Joy's sister and also took Aunt Joy's name for her middle name. So she is Ivy Joy.  :)  With all of our kids we tried to give them middle names they might actually want to go by someday if they didn't like their first name. So we didn't give them crazy middle names.

I had to step down from some ministries in church that I am sad about but it's because there has just been a lot going on.  In the last month, our family has battled a few sicknesses and I just couldn't be there for the ministries. I was sad because I have been doing it for several years but it's just for a season. Caleb got over being sick finally (it had been a week since he had any issues), I put him back in the church nursery. Sunday morning I was in nursery but I realized there were several sick kids there.  That night, in the middle of the night, Caleb threw up and had explosion diapers.  Again.  We had already got over that.  Oh well.  So he is resting right now.  My little pumpkin.  He loves to pull up the stool and stare out the window. I always have to leave the blinds a little up so he can. He'll sit there for a good amount of time just watching.  It's so cute.

1 comment:

Chris H said...

Glad you still managed to make the pumpkin pie... and Awwww just look at that darling baby at the window! Caleb is such a darling wee boy.