Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Worlds Skinniest House

Isn't this soooo wierd????

Can you imagine living in something like this?  LOL

I had to share this because this is such an odd idea for a place.  I wonder if that would be all hard floors since pushing a vacuum would be a pain.  You would just vacuum up on strip and then carry if up or down the ladder.  Hmmm... So odd.  I like odd stuff.

Have you seen those little houses people are building too? When I was single I could've happily lived in one of those places.  They are so neat.

Read more HERE!


Audra Marie said...

I'd need way more windows! And umm space. :)

By the way, we have six kids: four girls and two boys. :)

Happy Elf Mom (Christine) said...

Where would you even KEEP your vacuum? Your winter clothes? Your cleaning supplies? One of the commenters said the place looks like a pregnancy test... lol, she's right.