Friday, July 08, 2011

6 Ways to Save and Earn Money While You're At It

Because we're a family of eight we try to save money.  However, I would do this if I had one kid just because I love being frugal!  :)  Here are ways I try to save and earn money.

1. Swagbucks is a place where you can use their search engine like you normally would use to search a particular topic.  However, with this, you can earn points and I always use them to buy Amazon gift cards. Every time I'm in need of something, I will use the Amazon gift cards to purchase it rather than having to spend my own cash.

2. Coupon Sense helps me to save big because it tells me where all the sales are and which coupons I can use to save BIG.  I love it!  There is a monthly subscribing fee but because it tells me where in the valley to get free stuff and at least saves me half off my grocery bill, it's completely worth the $15 a month.  Please use my referral code if you decide to sign up.  I LOVE this site.  Referral code: 2017636

3. Product reviewing through Tomoson was introduced to me by Ellen Ross.  It's been a big blessing to my family for obvious reasons.  I get to receive some really neat products of my choosing and all I have to do is talk about it on my blog.  It's a win-win for them and for me.

4. The reason I decided to try Google Adsense is because I had been looking into finding a part job during the night every since we were greatly affected by the economy. My heart was broken so I tried to think of another way for me to stay home.  Since putting the ads on my blog, I can get a monthly check from Google that has really helped us.

5. I never buy clothes at full retail value. The last time I needed to go clothes shopping, I waited till major sales were happening.  My last shopping event, and I don't do it very often, was at The Limited. They were having 50% off in almost the whole store.  Then they gave me another 50% off at the register.  I ended paying $6 per shirt that were originally $35-50!  That's how I shop.  If no major sales are going on I find amazing stuff at Ross stores.  I'm picky though and won't just buy for the love of shopping.  I keep a list of needs and wants in my family organizer.  You're not saving if you're spending money just to spend it.

6. Making my Own Laundry Soap has saved me more money than I can imagine.  I haven't added it up but I know it's huge.  It cost me all of $3 to make and it last my size family for 8 months.  It's super easy so just go and check out my pics to see how simple it is to make it.  All you need is 3 items from the store, a sauce pan, and a bucket.


Chris H said...

Well done on all your money saving endeavours.
If I made any money I would no doubt find a way to spend it real quick! I'm sadly a's one of my very few vices! lol

... said...

Have you had any problems with swag bucks? i have always wondered about those sites but it seems really interesting and legit. How do you earn your swag bucks?