Ivy (left) and her best friend in church |
My heart physically hurt.
You hear all the time about problems in families where a child never calls. Or one that is mad so they say something mean or ungrateful and hold a grudge and stay away. Lately, in the last year, I decided to stop trying to have the perfect house (it's near impossible for me anyway) and focus on my relationships with my kids. Now I cuddle with them on the couch more, build legos with them, let them show me how to play a video game (I stink at understanding football). Taking the time to let them cook with me rather than just shooing them out of the kitchen. It's so much harder to train them to do their chores but I know I'm helping them learn responsibility.
I need to remember to get caught up in the moment rather than worry about "someday". I truly have been enjoying them and don't mind putting down the laundry to go play hide and seek. I can easily clean during their school hours instead. I know when I look back, I won't be thinking "Man, I kept my house looking niiiiiice". I'll be more proud if I cultivated relationships with my children.
God has given me the best thing in life I could ever imagine. He planted the seeds through His wonderful miracle of creation, I get to water them by caring for them and raising them in His truth, and in His grace, watch them bloom.
Sorry, but I'm only too happy to know my kids have grown up and don't live at home anymore! Much as I love and miss them, I don't miss the endless work that came with them!
Only got two to go... yipeeeee!
We have the great privilege of raising children for the next generation that will focus on raising their children for Gods glory and the next generation to come and ....! what a gift we are given! Sorry a children's pastor/dad of 2 who sometimes gets carried away.
Wanted to ask if you would be willing to swing by my wifes blog (pastors wife) who wants to use her blog to encourage others and be a blessing. she just opened up to public blog and I wanted to encourage her. Thank you so much for considering Virginia :) her blog is:
Thank You,
Rodney (Annettes Husband)
PS. Love the go scream in your pillow!!!
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