I temporarily pulled the boys out of school because of bad situations we were having with their bus driver. With Chaz having Asperger Syndrome, you don't know how hard it's been finding a school that can work with him. Most of them would just throw him in a self-contained classroom where he didn't learn anything. In fact, I had to homeschool him just to catch him up. Now that I did that, he is doing excellent. Chaz has the worlds greatest teacher who's been trained to work with kids like him. He even gets to be in a regular classroom to boot. Just so awesome. Here is my issue. The bus driver needs serious anger management control. This is a Charter school so they don't have the same regulations. In any other school, this lady would have been fired. But because there are only two bus drivers and no replacements, they are keeping her. No matter how many violations she's had. Recently my husband and I were gone and didn't know that Chaz and Kyle had been throwing up badly and we needed to come get them from school. Since they couldn't get a hold of me, they called my friend. They didn't bother to look at my emergency contact list. My friend has no vehicle and they demanded that she come and get my kids. Very rudely demanded. My friend had to take an hour and a half bus ride to the school and take my 3 boys, along with her 3 kids back on the city bus. Chaz was throwing up on the city bus and had to walk half a mile in 105 heat to her house. It's completely ridiculous that they never bothered to look at my contact list and see that my mom was able to come get them... in a car. Of course as soon as I got the message I came right away. The thing is, when my friend reached the school, they had Chaz laying on the floor, outside of the office, behind a trash can. They were treating him harshly. It makes me so upset just thinking about it. Yesterday was just my last straw. When the bus driver pulled up on the bus in front of our house, she screamed at the top of her lungs, "GET OFF THE BUS RIGHT NOW!!!". They didn't know they had arrived. On top of it, she wrote up my five year old for squeezing my other sons cheek. Ryan said it didn't even hurt and Kyle was given no warning. This stuff happens with Helyn all the time and it's been torture ever since they started school. In all the schools my kids have attended, I have never been put through so much stress with any bus driver or even teacher. The curriculum here is AMAZING. Chaz's teacher that he so desperately need is AMAZING. There are no other schools around here that can give that to Chaz. We are not able to drive him right now. Am I being too sensitive? I've written letters to the principal and he treats it mildly. This whole situation is breaking my heart.
That is ridiculous. You can't be too sensitive when it comes to your children. You are their voice and strength. I guess the best thing to do is just keep harrassing the principal.
They really should fire that bus driver and find another one. How hard can it be to find another driver? What would happen if one the drivers got sick or quit? Would they cancel school?
And why would the school ignore your contact list? Reminds me the dealership whenever we take the car in for warranty work. We give them our cell number and they call us on a different number instead.
Oh, I KNEW something evil happened. Though to be honest, after reading the headline, "Freaky Bus Driver," I was glad that screaming was the only thing that happened with him, ya know... What a donkey butt.
Like you really needed this right now. Are you just going to keep them all home from now on, or try again later??
Actually, this lady has bullied the kids for 2 years. Another friend's kids told me some things they saw. Helyn would allow the teens to do qroteque things and she never put a stop to it, but would always yell at the little kids. She would laugh at the bad stuff the teens were doing, but shows a disdain toward the little ones. There are more stories besides the ones I shared. Something weird is going on because no one is putting a stop to it even though they know.
Do some research and find a lawyer or community expert who advocates for special needs kids and/or education issues in general (possibly one who could help for free?). I think one phone call and/or letter from a lawyer would cause the principal to be responsive. I do believe it is illegal to release children to someone other than the parents unless there is written permission from the parents (it's that way in MN, I couldn't even let a grandmother pick up a kid without written permission even when it was done regularly for years past and I knew the grandmother). Verbal abuse to children can't be legal, either, and find out exactly what type of violations this bus driver has and what the written policy is on such things.
Maybe there is another side of the story. She was getting harrased by your crazy kids.
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