I was surprised to find out we were going to have revival this week at church. I had been out most of this last month because of health problems with my kidneys. Revival started Sunday morning so of course we were gonna be there. At 5am, Sunday morning, I woke up in horrible pain again in my kidney. I took about 5 medications to be able to go back to sleep. I wasn't able to make it to Sunday School at 9:30am because the pain was so bad. I finally decided to take more medicine and take a bath hoping to feel better to make it to regular service. Somehow I made it but it was agony sitting through the service. After the preaching, the evangelist called out for different conditions he felt God had put on his heart. Mine was one of them so I went to the front. He prayed for us and immediately I could feel a difference. Afterward, we took my daughter to Chuck E. Cheese. I was able to have fun with my kids. My kidney was still a little sore but it was slowly fading. It's now been 3 days since that prayer and I haven't even touched my pain meds. That is a total miracle. Just read my previous blogs of my whole ordeal and "eating pain pills for lunch". That was still happening to me every single day. I haven't touched my pain pills since. :D I'm NOT even sore. Jesus healed me.
*********Also, you can see kids in the front getting their certificates for completing VBS the last week. My kids are all 4 together in the center.
That is wonderful! Praise God!
Praise God!
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