Friday, June 23, 2006

Great Carb Diet Info

Guys, I found this great site that helps me choose with carb diet I would like. I'm leaning towards The Carb Addicts Diet. Brianne need to buy me a matching shirt that she has that says, "I love carbs". That would be me.
Carb Counting Rules of Popular Low Carb Diets
The Atkins diet permits a daily carb-total of just 20 grams, during the induction phase of the plan. In the second phase, known as Ongoing Weight Loss, you add another 5 grams of net carbs (digestible carbs) a day, in weekly increments. You keep adding 5 grams of carbs until your weight loss ceases, at which point you will have attained your carbohydrate-balance - normally 40-60 grams of carbs per day.

Carbohydrate Addicts Diet
In the Carbohydrate Addicts Diet, the authors argue that total daily carb intake is less important than the number of times you actually eat carbohydrate. By restricting carbs to one meal a day, you help to stabilize your blood chemistry, reduce hunger and encourage the body to reduce weight. Basically, any food with a carb-count of more than 4 grams per portion can only be eaten at a "reward meal."

Zone Diet
The Zone diet divides foods into "blocks." The carbohydrate block contains a carb-count of 9 grams, and Zone author Barry Sears favors nutrient-dense vegetables and fruits in preference to breads and starches. The carb total on the Zone diet actually exceeds the amount required to maintain ketosis.

South Beach Diet
The South Beach diet is different again. This low carb weight loss plan contains no carb counts, or even calorie-counting. Instead of carb-counting, carbohydrate is restricted by type. During the 14 day induction phase, the diet permits only lower glycemic index carbs. Carbs like bread, potatoes, rice, along with starchy fruits and vegetables, are off-limits. Thereafter, you can add back carbs that are higher on the glycemic index, while the final phase - the South Beach healthy eating for life phase permits more multi-grain bread and brown rice.

Calorie Counting Still Important
Clinical weight loss trials continue to show that the balance between calorie-intake and expenditure is still the best predictor of weight loss. So if you want to lose weight, then as well as counting carbs, make a point of counting calories, too. For more information about calorie needs and so forth, visit Calorie Counter.

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