Thursday, May 04, 2006

Tragedies of Sin

Those in my area know about a police officer recently killed by a drunk driver. The sad thing was, he had devoted his life to taking the drunks of the street and yet he was killed by one. His new wife, Brigitte, is devastated. I didn't know that she is my friend's sister-in-law. So my friend Tricia wasn't there at my homemakers group today. It was sad seeing the police officers at Scottsdale Bible today. What's sad is that Brigitte waited for a good man to marry and had prayed about it for a long time. She just married Rob a few months ago and they were just talking about starting a family. Brigitte was babysitting my friend Tricia's son when it happened and she is so devastated. Brigitte is sad because she didn't get to say goodbye on the morning he went to work and he died the next morning in surgery. Poor Brigitte. It breaks my heart. It's so sad to see the tragedies of sin. God brings this on no one. This is the effects of sin. If only people could see that God only wants to spare us from the consequences of sin. Instead, people only see a bunch of "rules". Because of sin, you see the effects of it all around the world. Thank God Rob is where there is no more tears and no more pain. He had given his life to Jesus Christ. I thank God I was delivered from drinking when I prayed 10 years ago. My life was headed down a dark path before I gave my life to Christ. I know that when I die someday, I will spend eternity in Heaven. I can sleep with a clean conscience.

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