Monday, May 15, 2006

"I Don't Want to Go to School!"

Chaz and Ryan (You can tell which one is sick here).

I was eating with Ryan at the dinner table and we were talking about his upcoming school year. I was telling him all the exciting things about Kindergarten. He looked kind of down about it and I was surprised. I said, "Don't you want to learn your ABC's?" He said, "No". I was surprised. He said, "That's okay, I just want to stay with Chaz." I told him that was so sweet. I told him that Chaz is going to go to school also and that he'll be learning too. He said, "Oh Okay, I just want to be with him. I love Chaz." I've tried to tell Ryan that Chaz will be going to a different school. I wish I could just drive them both to the same school everyday, but the school advised against it. Plus, I'm not even in district so only Chaz can go there because there are only two schools that offers the class he needs. Chaz will get a bus that comes right to my front door. If I ever am not there when the bus shows up, then they automatically call CPS! I can't believe that! I've never missed my son from picking him up at the bus stop but I guess it's even stricter on a special needs bus. Charles' little cousin that has Epilepsy/ADHD had that happen to his mom. Kim wasn't there on time and they called CPS. I'm going to have to get a cell phone so that if any of the schools call me, they can get in touch with me. I can't believe I'm only gonna have two kids at home! It'll be such a breeze with the younger two, I'll get so much stuff done. I'll still miss my boys though. I want to be there for every event, every field trip, every baseball game, every band concert, every PTA meeting. I don't want to miss one minute of my boys' life. I hardly want to blink because before I know it, they'll be 18.

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