Friday, May 05, 2006

Helpful Quote

I got this quote out of my bible. I was reading today and noticed that I had marked next to the note in my Bible how much it had helped me in 2002.

"People before things,
people before projects;
family before friends;
husband before children;
husband before parents;
tithe before wants;
Bible before opinions;
Jesus before all."

-Jo Ann Leavell

I went to a seminar once where they talked about priorities. It helped me tremendously and I still live by them today.

1. God
2. Husband
3. Children
4. House
5. Entertainment

That means that if I have not lived that day according to those priorities, in that order, entertainment should come dead last. God does not promise us entertainment. Nor does He promise to meet our wants. He said that He promises to meet our needs. This list of priorities is so easy to remember, yet has brought me through a lot of days when I was feeling self pity. But remember, God blesses those who are faithful and will give us joy even in our daily tasks. Life is so rewarding when we put God first in our lives.

Read Proverbs 31 on what the Bible calls a Godly women. It would blow our minds in this day and age! Even if the world doesn't appreciate a Godly women, our crown is in Heaven.

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