Wednesday, November 02, 2011

My Cure for Morning Sickness

Guess what I've been up to?  

Gardening again!  Lately I've been struggling with some bad morning sickness and the only way to cure it was to go outside and get some fresh air.  Well, I needed a reason to go outside so I got the kids out and planted some seeds.  We worked really hard on breaking up the ground, laying new soil down, making rows, planting, and watering.  Well, we planted some tomatoes, cilantro, squash, beets (we eat the leaves in butter but not the beets), and something else but since we didn't mark it, we'll be surprised.

I used to always escape outside back when I had a garden but I hated how my garden was on the other side of the house where I couldn't see it.  This year I can see it right outside my patio.  It's gonna be so beautiful to see.  

The only thing missing from the window was some pretty flowers that will grow with little maintenance and will grow big.  So we got two Bougainvilleas and planted them on either side of the canopy we sit under. It's gonna be so pretty!  I'm so excited to just be able to open my window and see it all.  When everything gets a little bigger I'll post a picture.
The chickens are still on the other side of the house which is good since no neighbors are on that side.  I have 3 laying hens so it's really nice to go get an egg whenever we need one. 

However I do have miniature chickens out by the patio area and I'm just waiting for my neighbor to complain since the two roosters have crowing competitions at 4am every single morning.  I really want to video it for you so you can hear how hilarious they sound. Imagine a rooster's crow but a miniature one. It's high pitch!  It's so funny.

The eggs are a really good size and even sometimes are X-large eggs.  We usually collect them all week long and then by Saturday Charles will make eggs for all of us along with bacon and toast.  Such a treat.  

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Your eggs look so great! Our chickens got kicked out by the town so we HAD chickens, but they are no more. :( So sad. Anyway, we went out side today for fresh air and it was wonderful. It was even mild enough to open some windows in the house. I am enjoying this balmy weather before the snow flies!! Hope you are feeling better SOON!! :)