Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Baby Adjustments

Monday, September 28, 2009
Friday, September 25, 2009
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
38 Week Update

Tuesday, September 22, 2009
I Just Love Those Comebacks

Monday, September 21, 2009
Missed My Blog...

My internet was down over the weekend so I missed my blogging! :) All was not lost of course. Haha. I just missed blogging about things the kids say such as;
Ivy my 4 year old- "Mommy, does Caleb drive a car?
Mommy- "Um, Ivy no. He is in my tummy still."
Ivy- "Well, does he at least drive a little car in your tummy?"
Or here is Chaz my 9 year old. My oldest;
Chaz- "Mom, are you feeling uncomfortable at all?"
Mommy- "No Chaz, I'm feeling great. Why?"
Chaz- "Well, I really can't wait to see what Caleb looks like."
30 minutes later!
Chaz- "Mom, is your tummy hurting at all? Are you having baby Caleb now?"
Mommy- "No, my tummy isn't hurting at all (only sometimes). He'll come when he decides, Chaz."
30 or so minutes later!
Chaz- "Mom, I prayed right now and God told me that Caleb is gonna come out today. How are you feeling now?"
This goes on all day till he goes to bed! Then he comes in my bed in the morning, waits for me to wake up and starts the questioning all over. My goodness! Caleb, please come soon for the sake of Chaz. If you're ready of course. :D
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Ashley Turns 2!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Chore Ideas For Kids

and Before Bed (which is my short evening chores). It's not anything major but it makes waking up the next day smoother. I'm not really spraying down the whole bathroom when I say sanitize. I just take sanitizing wipes and wipe down the toilets, counters, and bathtub. I have to with boys. Can get gross fast. Also straightening the bathroom and making sure everything is put away. I don't like laundry being left out so this way it forces me to put it away and not let it pile up. So it's only 4 things I have to do before I can go to bed. That's my evening chores I talk about.

Since all kids need reminders, sometimes even for the obvious, I post what they are to do in detail! My kids will brush their teeth, not rinse out their toothbrush and then leave on the counter.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Negative Influences

Sometimes family or even a friend can buy you gifts or give you money but use these things as leverage to make you feel like you have to put up with the abuse against your decision to live for God. Read God's Word and know what the truth is. If they are giving you advice against the words in the bible, know that its not advice you need to worry about. :) You know the scriptures and what He desires for us. When someone gives me a hard time about children, I just ask them to show me scripture in the bible that tells me I must limit myself. When someone tells me I go to church too much, I ask them to show me scripture that says being in God's house too often is wrong. Or if someone tells me I'm wrong for not having a TV, I tell them what the bible says about not putting evil before my eyes. Tell me where I'm commanded to put one in my house. Too many times I am shocked by even just commercials that pop up in front of my kids while we are waiting somewhere. The world will tell you what you are doing wrong. Just read God's Word to know what you are doing that is right. They may say you need to catch up with the times. The bible says that God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. I choose believe God's Word.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Hurry, Hurry, Hurry...

Sunday, September 13, 2009
(((((The Espresso Gene))))))

Except that my kids don't need an espresso. That would actually do the opposite effect and calm them down! No joke! I think all my kids stopped napping at 2 1/2 years old exactly. They go from morning till night, just happily spinning in circles around each other or me. I like free puppies. So the threat of this sign would not even apply to me. I'd be like "whatever." Big factor here though, I NEVER leave my children unattended. I've had enough experiences with my kids (and the ER) that it's when you take your eye off of them that someone's getting into the makeup, feeding the dog their dinner because they feel sorry for him, sucking a forbidden popsicle behind a door (because they know you can only have one after lunch or dinner time), another kid looking for the highest point in the house they can jump from, etc. I just can't name them all here. The boys, it's more physical stuff. With my boys it's like having Spiderman living in our house. On any given hour of the day, you can be walking down the hallway and look up to see one of my boys hiked up the wall with their feet spread apart. They put a foot on each side of the hallway and climbed their way up. Then they'll be really quiet so when you walk underneath them, they can yell "BOO!!!!". That's when I look up at the and scream. The girls are just sneaky in other ways. I don't know how many times I've caught the girls in my makeup, my new lipstick, nail polish. Yes, I do train my kids and don't let them just get away with forbidden stuff, but it's a daily process. You don't just train them for one week and say, "Well, I guess we've covered that. We should be good until highschool where you might need a refresher course." Ha, I wish! But no, even when we are at church, our kids are next to us at all times. Pastor can say it a hundred times. "Parents, you need to keep your kids with you at all times and not them them just run around everywhere." Still, you'll see kids in the parking lot, out by the street, in the foyer alone, or in the bathroom alone. I've had a few follow me out to my car while we are leaving. "Where's your parents?" I'll ask. "I don't know". I don't know how people do that because I'm so protective that I imagine all kinds of evils. There could be a boogerman in the bathroom. Even if that guy in the bathroom looks like a nice man. A car can run a little one over in a parking lot, the kid can fall into the street or run out into it. When you turn your back they can get snatched. So my kids are extensions of my body when we are in public. As far as hyper kids vs. calm kids, James Dobson says that usually how you were as a child, your children will be. So if you were the really hyper type AND your husband was really hyper... MOST LIKELY YOUR KIDS WILL HAVE LOTS OF ENERGY. Boy, did that turn out to true. There are a few couples at our church that are so much the calm type, all the time, that they have really calm kids JUST LIKE THEM. I can't imagine what that would be like. I could have like 15 kids if mine were like that. They even talk quietly. Amazing! I'm still really hyper so my kids must've got that espresso gene from not only my husband, but an overload from me. My friends say that pregnancy usually makes women tired but it only makes me normal. Haha. Do your kids have the Espresso gene?
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Designer New or Designer Used. Whatever.

The first years of our marriage, make that the first decade, we only shopped at malls. Well, a year ago, some things changed for us and when the economy slowed down, our pocketbook wasn't as fat. It's okay. As long as we can pay our bills, I feel immensely blessed. I think we Americans are fat and happy and all the wining about how our recession is like the 1930's makes me want to throw up. I've seen the pictures of The Depression and I still don't see the comparison. Our restaurants are still full, malls are still being shopped at, Jenny Craig is still in business, and kids are still battling obesity in America. I'm mean, sheesh. Us Americans are so spoiled.
With that said, we've gone thrifty. I don't mean thrifty where we get a hunger to spend money so we browse around a thrift store buying stuff for no reason. We go with a purpose in mind. If one kid needs a pair of shoes then we'll pull up to a used place and I'll go straight back to that aisle and not divert. If there are no shoes there, I don't browse around at other stuff. I just leave. So the past couple of weeks, we've been looking for dress shirts for the boys, dress shoes for Ashley, and a pair of dress shoes for me since my only black pair broke. I haven't found any of those three things we're looking for yet but I can promise you I haven't diverted and bought a coffeepot. Ha ha. Another thing we've been thinking about is a car seat for our newest one. We don't have one since our last (new) one was donated and so we headed to Toys R Us last month to look for one. A new one. I about fell over when I saw how expensive they were. $120??? I walked out and said "no way". Before, with lots of cash I was always able to spend, I would've done it. I wasn't worried about money so I got kind of spoiled. So yesterday I headed to an exchange place for moms and bought a beautiful and new looking one for $40. I got my awesome bassinet for Caleb from Craigslist that's still in the original box and never opened. On and on. So if anything, having finances change for us, I think changed something for the better in me and made me realize how wasteful I was. I walked into a new shoe store yesterday just to see if they had dress shoes for Ashley at a decent price. These tiny ones were $20. Um no, not getting it so I walked out.
I know sometimes people get turned off by what they see people wear that's used. My husband said it's like they are on a mission to find the most used and faded looking item in the store. You have to be picky guys! For me it can't be faded or worn looking and pretty much new looking. I've walked in many of used places and walked right back out because there were five racks of overly worn looking clothes. It's like finding that needle in the haystack.
I'm also wondering why the heck some places have raised their prices so high I could pay a couple dollars more brand new at a store. Then you have to wait for their half off days every other week just to get that item back to a normal used price. Last night, my husband and I followed the Duggars advice and found a thrift shop that is not popular and we checked it out. Once again, I only looked for the things on my list. Heads up! Two rows of brand new (never used) costumes for Halloween at only $3 a piece. We normally buy our kid's costumes at Costco for $25 a piece. That adds up per kid. I showed the boys the costumes and they fell in love with them because it was exactly what they were wanting to be for Halloween. I took it to the register and didn't know it was half off day. So I bought 4 kids costumes for $7. Sheesh la weezers. We are returning our kids costumes at Costco today and getting almost a $100 back. $93 savings.
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
Diggin' Ditches

You are never too young to start according to some countries! Ashley here at only two is proving herself useful. It was either she does this or no dinner for the evening. Ha. Just kidding. She went right along with the boys digging away. Luckily we have kid size shovels we had gotten from Home Depot. There were plenty of shovels to go around.

I gave Kyle a box (below) to put treasure in so he could actually have buried treasure. So he put 10 pennies in there and went to work covering it up. As you can see, the kids were working even after the sun went down. Talk about dedicated. Now, if only I can convince them chores are just as important.... They've never saluted me like they did in that first picture! Ha ha.

Being kids, they really couldn't wait till the next day to dig up the treasure so it was done immediately after it was buried. The kids actually got really excited. :D

The girls were busy patting down the loose dirt to make things neater. The boys making a mess while doing their duty. The girls, making the mess seem so much nicer. :)

YES!!! We found the TREASURE!!!! Job well done guys....

Tuesday, September 08, 2009
36 Week Update

Monday, September 07, 2009
Labor Day Fun 2009

Here Ashley is petting the cute little miniature dachshund. I want another one!

My friends Michelle and Becky.

I used my camera that has continuous shooting to catch this. The kids loved it! We all stayed for 6 hours fellowshipping so the kids were exhausted when we got home!

Ivy is ready to swim!

Carol is laughing at Nancy because she's taking a picture of me while I take a picture of her.

Little Kyle adjusting his goggles.

I love this picture! My daugther Ivy is swimming together with her friend Elizabeth.

My kid's shoes lined up. My five little stinkers.

My friend Becky and I. I am 36 weeks pregnant here (for future reference). :D

Becky's daughter Ruth holding Ashley in the water.

Wow! Richard is hungry (in the background). :D Haha. The guys played a game of Risk under the shade. They are already under an awning but had to use the umbrella so the misters wouldn't get the game wet.

I love watching Ivy play with her friend Elizabeth. Elizabeth is the sweetest girl. Ivy is helping her here.