Sunday, December 06, 2009

Beautiful Sunsets and Christmas Plays!

I love our sunsets here. So pretty.  I'm so glad the weekend is over.  I'm always happy when I can go back into my comfort routine.  Ahhhh.....  Just something so comforting about it.  I used to love the busyness.  Not anymore.  It's busy at home all the time but there is a routine to everything.  You know, like chore time, homeschooling time, lunch time.  Then Monday also means a thorough cleaning of the Living room and it means all of Charles' clothes get washed.  Stuff like that. I love church on the weekends but by the end of Sunday night, I'm just so happy to put my feet up.  My feet are killing me right now.  I love seeing my friends and talking to them at church.  Especially the ones that come down in the nursing room. Those are my buddies.  :)  Caleb was fussy and they told me he might be gassy?  Ashley had green boogers stuff so I had to keep her out of nursery and with us. To top it off she was constipated. I know you guys allllll wanted to know that.  Glad to enlighten you.  Ha.  Kids are practicing for the Christmas play.  Ryan, my eight year old, told me he's gonna play Joseph.  I told him that he's not allowed to kiss Mary but he promised me he wouldn't.  Chaz is gonna be the shephard.  Please, oh, please don't pick the sheep's cotton off this year, Chaz.  I'm glad you didn't last year.  You did well playing Joseph.  You stayed so far away from Mary that I was wondering if you were scared of her. 

1 comment:

Chris H said...

Lovley sunset for sure.