Thursday, August 20, 2009

33 Week Pregnancy Update

(This picture resembles me all the time like I'm sure it does many moms. That's how I dress and do my hair too. I love that cartoon.)

Man, it was so hard getting to my appointment this morning. When I woke up this morning, my husband called me to tell me that his job called for a mandatory meeting. On my appointment time. He calls me to tell me that he had enough time to come pick me up really fast and take me to his job, sit in the van with the kids, while he goes in meeting real fast just before my appointment. He said, "can you all be ready in 15 minutes"? Um yeah. We were all laying in my bed in our pajamas. I looked at my five little ones and said "suuure." I hopped out of bed and got ready. That's about 2 1/2 minutes for each of us to get ready. We did it! (I've had emergencies like this before so we've had practice). We hopped in the van and I took him to his job. He only had a half hour he could be in there before we had to leave for my appointment. When it was time, I texted my dad who works with Charles. He had to get permission to leave early and we boogied. I was 10 minutes late but I made it. Once again they reminded me I have to take the 3 hour Glucose screening at a lab (not at home). Yuck. So this Saturday I'll be stuck there. I was kind of scared to step on the scale because I've been eating normal. (A Big Mac or two). It said I lost another pound! What?? I was shocked. So now I'm only gained 1lb this whole pregnancy. I think Daddy Forever is right. I'm not human. (That would explain things. Ha). She did another ultrasound and baby is 4 1/2 lbs. She pointed out that he has hair. Wow! None of my other kids did. They were all BALD. Laying on my back almost caused me to faint so I had to get up. I was gonna get a 3D ultrasound too but I couldn't lay back anymore. Bummer! Oh well. I've had a few already. :) Then I had to get the beloved Rhogam shot since I'm Rh negative and my husband is Positive. What a fast start to the morning! All the crazy rushing but somehow we made it. When we were all done, we were happy to just be at home and rest for a few.


Chris H said...

Good to know you are super organised .. getting ready to go out so quick with 5 kids to sort out too! I doubt we could do that now.. it takes Griffin about 10 minuted just to get his shoes and socks on!

The K Family said...

Hey!! LOL....that's the same cartoon I used on my blog last week. :)

Daddy Forever said...

Wow, I didn't know you can see hair in an ultrasound. Gotta love those 3D ultrasounds.