(If I decided someday to have another)
1. Because I want to. That's why. (Now that I got that out of the way, let's move on!
2. Because I just can't wait to see how cute those new Maternity Clothes are all about that everyone's been talking about.
3. Because I want a newborn, just one more time.
4. I love the look on Charles' face when I tell him another one is on the way.
5. I wish I could be assured that my last one would be a girl for Ivy, but I just have to hope.
6. I looooove the look on people's face when they see me pregnant and ask me if this is my first. I love their reaction when I tell them exactly what number it is. (If I did get pregnant again, it would be #5).
7. I always wanted to see what it'd be like to have a winter baby. 3 boys are in August and my girl is in July.
8. I love the look people give me when I tell them what number pregnancy I'm on and then they ask me "How old are you anyway?!" For some reason everyone says I look younger than I actually am. Remember, God designed women to have children early on, that's why ovulation starts decreasing after the age of 27. I'm 27 right now.
9. I love their little hands and lips when they are newborns! Soooo cute!
10. I've always just wanted 5 kids. Plus, I only have 5 seats available in my van for kids!
11. I've always wanted to be surprised about whether I'm having a boy or girl. I don't know if I could make it 9 months though!
12. I think children are such a blessing from the Lord and the only people that disagree are those that don't know the bible or understand it's interpretation.
13. I just think children are beautiful and I love how they teach me what life is really all about. Nothing in this world ever compares.
That's wonderful. I hope you have your fifth child. If I had to do it over again (My two are 31 and 28 and I have two grandkids!), I would have had at least three kids. There is NOTHING like a baby!
Oh, Jenny--I sooo understand this list. I only have two, but if I won the lotto, I'd have at least one more...
Happy TT!
I hope you get just what you want! Children ARE a blessing from the Lord. :)
Happy TT!
Good luck! I always wished I was able to have one, but no luck.
I too, hope that you get what you want. I am hoping to try for my first next year. Fingers crossed!
Happy TT!
Awww, that is so wonderful!! One is enough for me right now ;).
I hope you have your 5th. I also hope you and your hubby are blessed with enough money to see them all through college!
Happy TT!
This is a wonderful list! I had three kids,and they are all grown now. I have eight grandchildren, and I love them all so much. I agree with you that children are a gift from God. Nothing is more rewarding (or difficult at times) than being a mother.
My brother & sister in law have 5 sons and the family home just always seems to be bursting with fun!!
Okay...I'll be the first to say that I think you are nuts! :) In a good way, of course. My sister-in-law is working on #4...she's due in May (I think) and I'm working on #2. Babies 1 and 2 will be 15 months apart...She'll have 4 under the age of 6. Yeah...we're nuts, too. :)
I am looking forward to having a newborn again ~ but if we go for 3 we are taking a little more time inbetween next time.
Yup we have a super mom in the house.
Blessings to you and yours.
Make your wish come true I say, make it come true!
Take care,
You are right...children are a blessing from the Lord! Happy TT!
This is such a cute TT! Good luck with a fifth child, I can't even imagine!
Love the song playing.
Even though I'm a grandma.. I still love baby TOES!
All the best to you--does your husband read the blog?
Children are the biggest gift from God and special blessings. My sister has 3 and I have 2. I sometimes wish I could have atleast 1 more.... but there are just too many problems here in India. Here they think of more children as a problem and not a gift. The govt discourages more than 2 children and offices do not give us insurance for the 3rd or more child... The Bible definitely teaches differently but we are not a Christian country.... So i kind of envy you as well...
Those are great reasons! I hope you do have another baby. I certainly would if I were 27. God bless!
They sound like very good reasons, especially the first! :-)
My TT is about Sinterklaas.
That's a great list - I love it!
I always wanted at least 4 kids, but I'm not married YET (awaiting proposal), so I am going to be patient.
great list.
there is something so wonderful about holding that newborn squishy little baby, isn't there??
What a great list... I have three and definitely want a few more! And 5 is a great number :-)
What a great list. I have three and definitely want a few more! And 5 is such a great number :-)
Thanks for the visit yesterday!
As you know I'm on #1 and can't think past the first one yet, but a lot of your reasons sound good to me :) The mat clothes are OK but, even though they are pretty cute now, I'm all ready to shop in a regular clothes store again!!
we couldnt wait. we found out as soon as we could! congrats and i hope you get all your wishes :D
I have five, and can attest that children are precious no matter how many you have.
These are good reasons to have more.
I love it when I go to the mall with all 7 of us, and people would eye my broad and count...so obvious, and funny.
Totally out of context, but just read and loved the list of things grandpa did at Walmart!
What a great list. I want another, but I am behind you. I want a boy... for my son because I currently have two girls and a boy. I love your number one "because I want one!" lol
Best of wishes for that pregnancy and that if and when you do get pregnant that it all goes well.
and kids grow up too fast! My baby girl is 7 months old already and she's our last. (Hubby had a vasectomy) I'll miss the newborn age for sure.
I'd love to have more too...
Awww, I think those sound like the best reasons! My husband and I are waiting until next year most likely to have our first (together; he has a little girl) and I can't wait to have 4 or 5 (ok, maybe just 4.. but ask me again then! ;)
I'd gladly have more kids (4 now) but I never want to be pregnant again! That's the difference between 27 and 38, I guess... ;).
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