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It was a good day. We were extremely tired when we woke up. We woke the boys up in the morning and told them there was a surprise waiting for them. They loved their Easter baskets. Then we headed off to church to celebrate Jesus' resurrection! It was a great service (as usual)! Then we went to Charles' grandparents house for the lunch and Easter egg hunt. It all went well, we hid the eggs and the hunt was on. I always enjoy visiting with his family. A little later talks got into "Religion". It's impossible for me to listen to some things and not respond because I will always defend the gospel. It's very sad that most people will only get their news from TV and just be sucked into whatever "Hollywood" says. I heard talks of Oprah and I couldn't help but say that "No, Oprah is not a Christian". Fornicators will not have a place in the kingdom of Heaven. That got the hornets nest going. I said, "Oprah cannot call herself a Christian and live in fornication". People are mistaken that good works is what gets us into heaven. The bible says that "our righteousness is as filthy rags in the sight of God". "It is not of our good works lest any man should boast". The Christian world today is content with following the flow of the world. Jesus didn't, that's why the world wanted to kill him. Including the "religious people". And they did. But Jesus rose again on the third day. Still today, people will try as hard as they can to hide the truth of the bible. Instead, everyone would rather hold hands and accept sin thinking that the more people accept it, the more it will change the truth. "God is the same yesterday, today, and forever." Sorry, you can't change the truth. Yes, you can repent (and turn) away from your sin. That's where grace comes in (and not good works). You can't buy your way into Heaven. Heaven can't be bought by good works. Repentance is not only saying your sorry, but turning from sin. You don't have to confess to a priest. When Jesus died on the cross, the veil between man and God was literally torn in the temple. Now we can go straight to God and confess our sins. "He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins". Don't let anyone fool you into thinking you can have one foot in the world and one foot in the church. You cannot serve God AND the world. I thank God for my salvation. I was headed down a dark path, I was suicidal and full of myself. God changed my life and now I can live my life with joy and when I lay my head down at night, I can have the peace of God and know that when I die, I will spend eternity with Jesus in Heaven. I wouldn't trade that for Hollywood garbage anyday. Life is but a vapor. These treasures here on earth don't last, and they never EVER satisfy. Therefore, I had a good day yesterday. When people get mad at me for speaking the truth, I know I did something right. :) The devil doesn't kick a dead dog. But...Easter was a great day! I'm glad I spent it celebrating in church (twice on one day)! Happy Easter!
Thanks for letting me access this! Glad you enjoyed Easter
Amen! Media has mutated the gospel to fit in with the world's ways. Always stick up for Jesus and defend the gospel. You might end up teaching someone something they really did not know.
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