Wednesday, October 26, 2011

How'd I Get this Husband?

I wonder if any other moms feel like their day gets thrown off by doctor's appointments.  Just having to get everyone up in the morning, dressed, looking decent, breakfast, and then out to an office for check ups or shots.  By the time I get back, feed everyone lunch, I'm soooo tired.  Not only that but our homeschooling day just begins and it's already past noon.  I'm used to a routine every day and it's why I dread doctor's/dentists appointments.  Pretty soon I'll be adding an OB appointment to the routine.  

I think I have the ALL PATIENT husband that I never imagined God would bless me with.  He seriously deserves husband of the year/decade award.  Some days I have it all together and some days I'm a scatterbrain who's just happy to have the kids warm, fed, and content.  If I were to ask myself, "Would you marry you?", I'm not so sure.  Ha!  I guess I'd pick someone more organized and together.  Not someone who has so many ups and downs with cleaning and having it all together.  Some days I feel like Superwoman and other days I just want to escape to a bath with a good book for an hour or two (or all day).  My husband has told me before he has more patience because he grew up with his mom and two sisters.  He had no brothers and just had emotions flying all around him in the house.  He says, "Baby, you are calm.  Trust me.  I know what an UP and DOWN person looks like."  I'll have to take his word for it.  Not only

Or maybe he has read this book.....

1 comment:

Chris H said...

Ha ha! I saw that book on Facebook today!