Thursday, April 01, 2010

Stinkiness Not Allowed

Well, today I attacked my fridge.  I took everything out, all the shelves, bleached all the inside, and put everything back.  You know what I realized after all that? I need to go to the grocery store.  Soooo, that's where I'll be tonight.  Just thought I'd let you know.  You can tell by the pic I'm a big diet dr pepper fan and my husband is a diet mountain fan!  Nooo, I don't drink it all day.  I save it for a treat every now and then.  :)  I don't EVEN want to here about how diet sodas are not good for you.  Regular soda is really bad! 

My next project was taking off all the couch cushions and washing them.  It's just so much easier that way. You know what stinks about it though?  (No pun intended)  It's so hard putting the covers back on!  I hate that part.  My great danes like to sleep on our couches.  I am not picky about our couches because I didn't want to be one of those moms that freak out about my couch.  We buy seriously durable couches and have the kind of fabric that can handle roughness.  I personally don't want my great dane on the couch but he's a sneaky one in the middle of the night.  So I have to give them a good washing sometimes.  When we eventually get another couch,  I'll never buy a non-child friendly one. 

Boys can do the most grossest things sometimes!  The kids go in and out of the house a lot so a fly or two will get in sometimes.  Ryan got the fly swatter and was laughing and smashing a fly.  Then he walked up to me and showed me how blood was coming out of the fly's eyes.  GROSSSSSS!

Today I have pork loin roasting in this with black beans and a jalepeno for flavor.  It's good with sour cream, cheese, onions in a burrito!  Ohhhh...yum.  Just need to make some spanish rice and it's a keeper. :D

***Amazingly Frugal Updated***


Tereza said...

It's amazing how much more space there is int he fridge once cleaned and organized:)

Chris H said...

We bought a new lounge suite 5 years ago... very bad choice too!
It WAS a lovely creamy colour, now it's ikky!
Our next one will be a dark leather one like our OTHER lounge suite, which is dark green leather!
Leather can be cleaned so easily, it can be thrown up on, jumped on, have soda spilt on it.. anything... and it always comes clean again!