Monday, September 24, 2012

Learning How to Live Gluten-Free

Oh my goodness, life has been incredibly busy.  I don't mean to but I do tend to make my life harder.  I wish I could do it ALL but I just can't.  I decided that since I have an overload of non-food items from couponing, I'll only be couponing in the summer.  Seriously, I think my 40 deodorants will last me for a year or two that I've acquired over the summer.  Ya think?  Ha ha.  I don't want to be a hoarder.  Well, that frees up time for me to learn other important things.

My friend and I have spent HOURS learning about how to eat gluten-free.  I mean, we've spent HOURS.  While the kids went to their one-day-a-week school today, we went around looking for gluten-free bakeries and finding healthy stores.  Um, it's really expensive to have food made for you that's gluten-free.  It is so much better to learn how to make it all on your own.  I got a book awhile back from Future Horizons that is a recipe book for gluten-free cooking.  Special Diets for Special Kids.  Over 200 revised and new Gluten-free, casein-free recipes.  It's a fantastic book because the recipes are for kids in mind.  What can we make that's healthy, doesn't have a million ingredients, and kid will love?  Even better, it's not gonna hurt them if they have an allergy because substitutes were made.  Well, it's not nearly as hard as I thought.  Michele and I went to Whole Foods and had so much fun sampling everything.  I think I sampled the mangoes so much that it equaled just eating a whole mango.  So funny.  They had this machine that had peanuts in it and you can grind it.  Guess what comes out?  Peanut butter of course!  No yucky preservatives in it, just good ol' fashion peanuts.  Nothing needed to be added to it.  I'm in loooove with the store.
at least I try to convince myself... haha

Tonight Michele and I made Chicken Curry and some drink smoothies.  I called it Hulk Juice because it was tons of different fruit, kale leaves, and amazingly healthy for you.  The kids downed it.  We proved to them that great juice doesn't have to be about drinking Koolaid.  :D  Why does healthy food have to be more expensive?  Whyyyyy?  It's so much easier to go into Fry's (Kroger) and just snatch up $1 savings here and there but if it's bad for Chaz, My Aspergers son, and ADD son and daughter, I'll take that extra steps to help them.  I think Michele and I just have so much fun learning about all these interesting things and we tend to venture off into new things together.  I love having a friend like that.  Makes it so much more fun to explore when you're laughing half way through it.  :D

Here is the smoothie we made tonight.  See?  Not difficult at all!  Was yummy too.  :D
Click to enlarge picture


Karen said...

Have you noticed a difference in your kids if they eat gluten free? I've considered it for my son, but I hate to think about the work of switching...and I think we'd all need to switch or he would just swipe our stuff...

Motherhen said...

Virginia, I am so glad to see that you are finding ways to make it work. It isn't the cheapest way to feed a family (especially a large one), but there are ways to ease the cost and it sounds like you are doing it! And doing it with a friend makes it so much easier. Keep up the good work, I hope you see the benefits in your children soon.

Unknown said...

I too wish it was cheaper to eat organic and more healthy. We LOVE fruits and veggies, but our grocery bill is outrageous when we buy all healthy like that!! BUT, it is worth it. I have several people in my church who are on gluten free diets and they eat some pretty tasty food. It doesn't have to taste like cardboard...I know because I have eaten it and it is GOOD! Anyway, hope it all works out for you! :)

Virginia Revoir said...

Karen, it's easier for me to switch because Chaz is Aspergers, I have two ADD kids, My husband and I are ADD, and he has a lot of stomach issues. I know it's harder when there is just one in the whole family. I was thinking about this yesterday and I figured that even if I didn't switch completely, I can switch the main things for Chaz. Think bread and pasta. If everyone else (not me because I eat no carbs) is having pasta, I can make a separate pan of gluten free pasta for him. He could have his own bread bag. Just some easy switches. I've already talked to Chaz and showed him the health food store. He didn't mind at all and was actually really happy about it. :D

Virginia Revoir said...

Motherhen and Sally,

It IS expensive. YIKES! We are in the middle of doing price comparisons at different stores. I'm gonna have to keep a list since I know I might have to go to different health stores in a month.

Zion said...

I am jealous of your coupon item stock pile. I used to be in that boat. That smoothie sounds yummy.