Saturday, August 09, 2008

On the Lake

Actually I did okay with having little sleep last time. :D BUT... since I've been doing an inventory all over the house and ridding of stuff like crazy, I've been up late every night. Last night I went to bed at 3:20am and had to get up at 6am because I was taking two of my boys to ride on a boat with my dad and I. So I think I slept like 2 1/2 hours. Hee hee. So I need to get back to work!


Owlhaven said...

Sounds like some of the nights I've had recently!

Thanks for adding my new blog to your blogroll!


Anonymous said...

I do NOT do well on little sleep. AT ALL. I'm so very thankful that Zander is finally starting to sleep better (gosh at the age of 2,5 it's time!)

Sounds hectic with so little sleep :)

Anonymous said...

I think alot of people don't do well on little sleep. Just think, In Heaven there will be only day 24/7 and you will never get tired. Wouldn't that be grand!!
I guess the nick name will have to be, energizer bunny instead of night owl :> Just kiddin... hoot-hoot
Mama Night Owl :)