Okay, I know some of you guys have been wondering some things. Here are just some answers to some of those hidden questions you have. I've submitted this to My Page at the People's Media Content. Just for fun. Thought I'd write it here to.
I am a mother of five. It didn't just happen overnight. No. Just within a few different anniversary celebrations, I ended up having babies nine months later. Not all five were planned. In fact, I think we planned one. Little Kyle. He must know he was so lovingly planned because he's the only one that clings on to me and would rather hang on my leg than run around with his brothers at McDonalds. That is not to say I didn't enjoy having my others. I love them to death! They are my joys, my laughter, the cause of my dyed over gray hairs, the little loves of my life. But, for some reason I am not good at planning. So, here I am with five little kids born within seven years time.
When I was pregnant with my first child, I remember sipping coffee, chatting with my pregnant friends online, dreaming of the day I would have a little baby to lay on top of that perfect little blanket set inside of that cute little crib. I was nervous about becoming a mommy, but I knew my little baby boy was going to listen to me and make me a proud mommy by not acting like all those little stinkers I saw being naughty in the stores. I had my facts all put together. That was, until my first born came into the world. Sure, I was fine in the hospital, but once I brought him home, I had no idea what to do. I cried when he cried, I didn't sleep when he slept. I was exhausted. I thought, "who in the world thought it was okay for me to bring this baby home from the hospital?" I had no clue and I was scared. When
Chaz was about three months old, I was happily catching onto things and loved how nursing was another form of birth control. Or so I thought. Nine months later.....
Here came baby number two. Little Ryan. I realized when I had baby Ryan, I still had another baby at home. Chaz had just turned 12 months old when Ryan decided Chaz can't have the limelight anymore. For some reason, by having two kids, I started to really feel accepted in the "mommy world". Now I would have a little bit of merit in offering advice. While my head was still reeling from discovering parenthood the first time around, I had to quickly get my act together for baby number two. I even started feeling funny about sitting on the floor playing Nintendo which I loved to do since the elementary years. I decided it was time to start learning a little bit more about cooking besides microwaving Pasta Roni's. It was around baby number two that I decided that I didn't believe in birth control pills anymore since I learned how they really work. Once I found out what doctors never bothered to tell me, I banned them from my house and never took another one again.
I don't know what it is about the holidays, but it's romantic. it was also the time of year we decided to get married back in 1998. We love the holidays. Without noticing the time of year, Charles and I started to think about how we didn't have a baby girl yet and would like to "try" for one. I don't know why I say "try" because I can just say the word "baby" and one appears nine months later exactly. Well, it was the holidays and Charles and I were sitting at the air park watching planes depart and arrive at the airport. We looked at each other and both decided within a 10 minute time frame that with a littlest son being so grown at one year old and another at two, now was a good time to have another. Nine months later, no joke, came baby number three. Our first, and last, planned baby so far. Our third little boy. We name this phenomenon Kyle. By this time, I was really getting into the mommy mode. I had it figured out. Having three kids within three years meant that I had to have three in diapers.
Chaz was not yet potty trained and had an aversion to toilets. I had to lay down all three at the same time and slap diapers on them when needed. I no longer played Nintendo on the floor because I had no time. Nope. Just time to clean, break up toddler fights, add thousands of diapers to the landfills, and take a shower when kids were sleeping. When another year had passed, I started to really long for a daughter but I knew that I was not ready to think about having the fourth. I don't know what it is about the fourth, but it was a scary world to me. However, during the holidays, and not being careful, once again something strange happened. Nine months later came.......
Baby number four. My sweet little, itsy bitsy Ivy Joy. As cute as a button. She was my little doll. I dressed her up like one too. By this time I badly needed a minivan and although I said I'd never want to own one, it had to happen. I quickly got over it. The weird thing is my husband started acting funny around her. Even as she started to get a little older and started to show some attitude. My husband just melted around her. What happened to my tough husband who was always so quick to set bad behaviors straight? I think it died temporarily with the birth of his first baby girl. Me thinks someone lulled daddy into her grasp. A year later and so many suggestions that I should quit now that I got my little girl. I thought so too. I got my three boys and my little girl. I should be happy. Oh trust me, I am very happy with my little four. But because of those darned holidays and miscalculations of an ovulation.....
Nine months later came baby number five. My second little girl and just as cute as a button. 10 days ago, as I was laying in my hospital bed recovering from her birth, I was amazed how far we've come. Who would've ever thought that the girl who was once a sassy immature teen, a few years later would learn the true joys of life were not in pleasing only ourselves. That mothering little ones are one of the greatest joys God could give us. Yes they make me cry sometimes, worry a lot, and have to clean an awful lot of messes, but they were worth it.
Every time they run to me with an
ouchy, or cling to me when they're scared, I realize how good it feels to be needed. Even better, how much more awesome living really can be by having that selfishness driven right out of me. Kids will do that to you. Many ask me how come I seem so calm with so many little ones running around me. I tell them, although I didn't have it all planned out, I realize that I made my life like this. No one made me. So enjoy it. I've chosen not to complain about the little things. Not to pick on mistakes. Find humor in the craziest situations. I had to remind myself that God had originally designed families this way. And here all this time I thought He meant for us to do Algebra together when He said "Be fruitful and multiply". After much thought, prayers, and tears, I came to a conclusion. If God designed women to have children, then He will also give us the strength to raise them. No need to fret. No, I'm not mother
magnificent. I just understand that millions of women before have traveled down this same road. Boy is it a wonderful road. :o)