Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Tide Attack Tuesday

Since I did a post on Damage Control Monday, I thought I would share with you about my "Tide Attack Tuesdays". You know, I figure with cleaning the entire house on Monday, Tuesday has got to be a good day for attacking the Laundry Demon. Especially since we just went through a million different outfits for the weekend. Then there is church on Wednesday. So, Tuesday fits right in the middle. Plus, Tide Attack Tuesday just meshes well together. Since I'm a Tide lover, I really do mean Tide Attack. I feel like I blink and all of a sudden, all the laundry baskets around the house are overflowing. I don't know how. Just sneaks up on me. With all the little people running around the house, it builds up fast. All moms know this!!!

Monday, July 30, 2007

Damage Control Monday

Definition: A homemaker is a person whose prime occupation is to care for their family and/or home.

Damage Control, emergency control of situations that may hazard the sinking of the ship. (This is just an example of the words "Damage Control". However I liked this one. Gave me a good chuckle.)

I have finally come up with a good name for Mondays around here. On Fridays we usually have Bible Study, then Saturdays we're running around with chores or spending time together. Like this last Saturday, Charles and I were out pulling weeds, watering plants, cleaning off the cement. All the while having a water fight with kids. By night time, we are off to our Church's Saturday night concert scene where my husband plays drums in a band. Sundays we're are off to church for Sunday school and morning service. Then night is church and the kids sometimes have children's church. So, imagine all that running around what it can do to a house.

 Therefore, Mondays are like this overhaul cleaning day to make everything beautiful and perfect again. That way all the rest of the days are just maintenance days. I used to call it "Homemakers Day". I'm home all day so I can do the work. I never make any other plans ever for that day. BUT, I have come up with a new name. Since the house is at it's worst state on Mondays, I now call it "Damage Control Monday". D-Day. Hee, hee... Now that I told you all that, I'm off to do some serious Damage Control. :o)

Sunday, July 29, 2007

31 weeks

What a neat pic. I posting a few days early. Just wanted to show you this neat pic of what Ashley looks like in my tummy right now.

Who Am I Casting Crowns

Remember to turn off my music in Sidebar.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Happy 2nd Birthday Ivy!!

Yes her birthday was on the 20th, but I've been doing a lot of work on my computer it was down for awhile. Now I would love to share pics with you! Her party went well, it was a swimming party, so we had lots of fun. Ivy especially loved her new toys.

Or click here to view slidshow.

Against His Character

Someone dubbed over this Jesus Video and showed us what it would be like if this was Jesus' nature instead. Thank goodness it wasn't. Gives you a few chuckles though...

Friday, July 27, 2007

Thursday, July 26, 2007

July 2006 Flashback!

Here is July last year! Click here to view all the entries of July 2006!

Okay, I'm getting caught up from being behind on posting since my computer has been out. I also have been missing a cord to be able to put pics from camera onto computer. That's why I haven't posted many pics. Sorry! Will resolve soon.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Virus Troubles Again!

Sorry it's been so long since I last posted! I had a lot to do on my computer so it took awhile. I had to take out the hard drive on my computer, put it in another computer. Then take the pictures off of it and put on Charles computer. Once those were copied, then I reformatted mine, basically wiped it clean. Then put the hard drive back in my computer and reinstalled Windows. Then I had to set up my internet again. Yay! As of right now I'm trying to install some protection on my computer so I can stop getting viruses. So annoying. Just so you knew, Norton didn't protect me from the Trojan virus so I won't be using them again. Anyhow, I'm up and running again.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Chaotic Day! Coffee Anyone?

You should've seen today, it was so wild. Not only did I have my four kids, plus my friend's two kids I'm watching for the week of Conference, but I also had my friend over with her 3 kids all day. The whole day she couldn't get me to sit down. I told her because it takes a lot to keep up after 9 kids in the age ranges of 1-6.

 I don't like my house to get dirty anymore so I just keep up on it constantly. So, now that I've trained my boys to clean up after themselves, they do such a good job, that my cleaning life has improved dramatically. However, whenever I have other kids over that don't know the rules, that can get pretty tough. So, I made lunch for 9 kids today, and then once the husbands were home (no, I'm not Mormon, the other man was my friend's husband), I made dinner for 15 of us total. 

After the family left, I bathed the 6 kids left, laid them down, played a game of Uno with Chaz, then washed a couple of loads of laundry, then cleaned up my kitchen. Well, actually my house because I couldn't go to bed seeing how dirty it was. Now I am hear writing this blog. Now, as you you can see, it is time for me to go to bed as this will post late. (First I need to fold a load of laundry) Hmmmm.... I need to wind down and get some sleep. I don't know who gives me this energy being that I constantly forget I am 7 months pregnant. LOL! I seriously always forget. Except for that constant aching in my back that never goes away. I hope my dad doesn't read this or he's gonna call and lecture me! :P

Oh, funny story of what happened night before. At first I had our little guests Katie and Matthew sleep on some cushions on the floor of my 2 year old daughter's room. However, at 3am, Ivy thought it was a good time to stand up and talk to the sleeping kids on the floor. She just babbled and babbled till she woke them up and made them cry. After I switched their stuff to the couch, I tried to make Ivy lay down but then she thought I was a good candidate to hear her chatter. I finally had to go get Charles and he was able to get her to go to bed. By the time I got all the kids settled again and I fell back asleep it was already 4:30am. Mercifully I slept till 7am. Heard Katie and Matthew crying so I got up to get them some water and help them go back to sleep. I laid back down thinking how wonderful the pillow felt until I heard kids crying, "Get off! Get off!" I ran out of my room and couldn't believe what I saw. I saw my Great Dane Daisy laying across both the kids on the couch enough to where they couldn't get up. I pulled Daisy off, because she knew they were laying in her spot, and put her outside. I forgot to disarm the alarm and the alarm just started going off really loud! Oh my gosh! So I ran to enter in the code to make it stop. After I settled the kids back down to sleep, my phone just started ringing off the hook. Katie thought she had to pick it up everytime so she would come get me to answer phone. Finally, I just went and unplugged phone, and hid the handset. Then I was able to lay back down for a little longer and get some much needed rest. : )

What a tough first night for the guest kids! Then, you scroll to the top to see the story above, and that's how the rest of the day went. LOL! Just had to share the funny day with you. I think tomorrow will be much calmer. I'm sure... yes....
Thanks for letting me share my day with you. You know me, the journaling person.

Monday, July 09, 2007

June 2006 Flashback!


I forgot to do a June flashback last month so here is a belated one. :o) So click here to view all my blog entries back in June 2006.

Tummy View

Come visit my pregnancy journal here!

Sunday Lunch

This week my friends are going to conference so we will be watching their two kids Monday-Friday. We went by to see their house and it's a lot like ours and we had pizza with them. They had a black lab that was really nice. Unlike our demon lab we had!!! LOL! We have a wonderful great dane now and a little Chihuahua. They are the best dogs. Along with a bird and a cat. :o)

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Check out my Slide Show!

***To get a better and clearer view of slideshow, Click Here!***

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Goodbye, Nancy....for now.

Pics are of an old photo me in the pink nightie with Nancy's son Joel as babies, Nancy, Nancy talking with my sister Jodee at conference, and old photo is of Arnold, my dad holding me, and Nancy's husband Gary Marsh, and Nancy and her husband Pastor Marsh.
A family friend of ours passed away on Friday after battling cancer. I am glad I got to sit and talk with her one last time before she began to fade. She is a complete sweetheart, devoted wife to a husband who pastors my old church I attended. It was obvious that her and her husband were very close and loved each other very much. She was a dedicated Christian, a stay at home mother, a loving grandmother, a pastor's wife, a foster parent and a Hospice volunteer. Goodbye Nancy, for now, I will see you in Heaven.