"The most immoral practice of the day is breeding too many children."
"The most merciful thing that a family does to one of its infant members is to kill it."
1.5 million babies are surgically aborted each year
Sadly, as a result of the abortifacient effects of the pill and other "contraceptives," an additional 8-12 million babies are chemically aborted each year in the US alone.
Click HERE to read The Truth About Birth Control |
It breaks my heart to know I was on the pill (even though it was only for a couple of years) and I didn't know I could still get pregnant. I had no idea the pill would cause my body to reject the baby and get rid of it. Ack. I hate thinking about it. I haven't touched the pill since I found out about it in 2002.
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Newborn Caleb (2009) |
Since finding out about the pill I started practicing a loose form of Natural Family Planning, yes, I've had a few "surprises". So what? What incredible blessings they have been to my life. So did NFP work for me? Yes, because I could easily get pregnant every year since nursing doesn't prevent ovulation. I calculated it and I'd have at least 12-13 by now. I only have 6. Some believe you should trust God with how many children you have, some don't. I guess that is something each person needs to pray about and come to their own conclusion. Either way never involves murder though.
My sixth (Caleb) |
Ever since I got pregnant with my 6th (in 2008) I have been attacked mercilessly. Within a week of finding out I was pregnant I had attacks that blew me away. Online and even in my personal email box. A friend even spread lies for everyone to see. They later said they didn't know the details, but just had some "assumptions" about our life. It still hurt very bad and bad enough that we left out of state for a week to get away from it. You can imagine how scared I was to share when I became pregnant with my 7th in 2011. I had miscalculated my ovulation and it had been a year and a half since my last baby. I was surprised but yet again I had the attitude and understanding that children are a gift. I was still terrified to share knowing that with each one I had would come with more persecution from every side. Online and in my personal life and surprisingly even from Christian folk from church.
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8 months pregnant with baby #7 (Juliet) |
This whole pregnancy I've received about 80% negative from people. This time I'm putting my foot down. I'm not gonna allow myself to be bullied any longer. I'm not gonna allow my heart to be sad nor will I let anyone make me feel ashamed. Sure, I worry about what people think. Don't we all? I have to be stronger is standing up for what is holy and righteous. Even Christians attacking large families is wrong and completely unbiblical. I've been cornered (literally) with accusations, assumptions, and anger from people. This precious child in my womb is a gift from God and I won't allow her to come into this world wrapped in shame and negativity from others. If you don't want kids, that is your life and no one is forcing you to have any. Welcome to the land of the free. Are you able to murder your own babies here? Yes, and the government and even your friends will back you up. But don't attack those that choose to cherish life. Enough with all the Save the Whales and Hug a Tree. Those are nice but what about Protect Human Life? I've yet to see a film like that in the theaters. If it seems I am upset in writing this post, I am. This world is so backwards in how it thinks and I am tired of seeing what is pure and clean be so attacked.
Idont use b/c either.. that is very sad when it is broke down to you like that. :( so many lives lost.
I have two daughters now and have been married for 3 years next month. We also dont believe in birth control and use alternative methods. Seeing what you go through really breaks my heart especially knowing I will probably go through the same thing years down the road. Allow me to be another POSITIVE voice saying I am really looking forward to getting to know your precious #7 through your blog as I have your other 6. Children are a blessing!
Do you know what the mortality rate was during childbirth for women in Margaret Sanger's time? After seeing hundreds of women dead or dying from unwanted pregnancies, I'd feel the same -- and I bet you would too. Your dedication to your children is admirable; I want a very large family myself. However, regardless of your religious beliefs on the issue, it's never a good idea to paint someone with an opposing view as "evil". Sanger had reasons (very good ones) for her position on birth control.
That was not the only reason there was a mortality rate. Cleanliness and better care have changed that. Also, there is NEVER an excuse for murder in a million years regardless. Like I said, there are several other ways to prevent pregnancy. Margaret was also very racist. How can you look at those few quotes I wrote that she said and not be appalled? Why would we look to her as a leader in any way? Okay, well, in those days there was still NFP and other ways to prevent. Why is murder the only choice in this world's mind?
While it's true that hygiene standards have improved, giving birth is still very dangerous even now. In fact, the United States has one of the highest maternal mortality rates in the developed world.
You're right that Margaret Sanger was a eugenicist. This is inexcusable. However, these views were supported and advocated by the mainstream medical and scientific communities during her time. Her opinions were the opinions of the majority of doctors, intellectuals, and even every people. If we're going to criticize Margaret Sanger's racism, we can't do so without taking into context the endemic racism of her time.
If you're going to argue that if a historical figure was a racist then they can't be a leader, well, I guess that knocks out every single one of the founding fathers!
Unfortunately NFP is not nearly as effective as birth control. It's also obsolete in cases of rape or coercion. I would love it if every person on the planet was conscientious enough about their s*x lives to use NFP, but unfortunately these pregnancies are called "unplanned" for a reason! People aren't perfect -- only God is.
Did you know that the MAJORITY of abortions are performed on women who already have one child or more at home? These aren't selfish women who don't want their babies. These are women who are looking out for the best interests of the babies they already have.
I actually agree with you on many of these issues. I hate abortion. I don't believe it's murder, but I do believe it's a terrible thing that everyone should work towards preventing! However, I also think there's a lot more ambiguity in this issue than you give it credit for. I don't think it does anyone on either side of the issue any good to paint someone as the enemy just because they disagree with you. They probably have good reasons for doing so -- even if they aren't your reasons!
-- publishing as anonymous because I don't have a Google account :P
Oh my goodness, the moment you tried to justify abortion made me lose all respect for anything you just said. Even in rape I could not justify a murder. Then you went on to justify it within a family. Yuck!
Also, it is a complete lie, whoever is spreading it, that the US is the worst with women dying because of pregnancy and birth. My goodness! Not sure where those weird stats came from. Maybe from those trying to justify abortion? Fans of Margaret Sanger? The Pro-Choice movement?
Of course we aren't perfect, only God is, but I will live my life in alignment to God's word to the best of my ability. Let God be true and every man a liar.
Unfortunately it's true. Here are some articles:
It's also much, much more dangerous to be pregnant when impoverished or as a member of a persecuted class.
These reports are compiled by the World Health Organization and the United States government -- not special interest groups.
It saddens me that you can't respect opposing views, particularly because we agree on so much. If that's the state of political discourse in our country, I don't hold out much hope for the future. :/
Right now if someone told me that my life was in danger, I cannot be pregnant, and I needed to abort immediately. Guess what? I'd keep the baby. If someone told me if I had another child it could kill me. Guess what? I'd get my tubes tied. If I were raped, I would deliver the baby just as two of my friends did. One raised that child and love him, another gave him up for adoption. I don't care what the rates are, there are other ways besides murder.
It's great that you'd make that choice, but please realize that it would be just that: a choice. And also bear in mind that it's one thing to make that promise in a comment on the internet and another thing entirely when you're in the moment, facing the prospect of orphaning your children. Some people who conceive through rape do carry to term, and that's wonderful, but again, it's a choice. The only reason they were able to CHOOSE this choice is because we live in a society with reproductive options.
I agree that there are other ways besides abortion! That way is to prevent unwanted pregnancy in the first place by making birth control free and widely available to an educated population. We should be focusing on making sure abortions are rare and supporting expectant mothers medically and emotionally during and after their pregnancies. I would love to live in a world where abortion isn't necessary, but sadly this isn't that world.
Again, shades of gray. This isn't a black and white issue. I think what's really needed is a dialogue about what's best for women and children, not two sides shouting the party line at each other. This isn't a war. We aren't enemies.
I will not support chemical forms of birth control because it's another form of abortion. Most people are under the misconception that it only stops ovulation. Nope, it works in other ways as well. Did you know the day after pill works the same as a birth control pill? Scary! IUD's are even worse.
I HAVE been in a VERY abusive situation. It was horrible and I was hospitalized. I knew that if I ever got pregnant in that time there was no way I'd abort. I would have been a single and hurting mom for sure. I would never take it out on that precious life.
You have to know me, I'm a black and white person. I don't believe in compromise if it means I'm compromising moral and biblical principles. Jesus was black and white. There just isn't any room for gray when it comes to the bible. I will love and cherish human life in all stages.
You are just trying to convince the wrong person. I've never budged on this and never will.
I love your latest blog. :) I would like to see anyone face GOD & give GOD a reason to kill an unborn baby. Um, HE said, "THOU SHALT NOT KILL" Exodus 20:13 Any true Christian knows in their hearts what this means. God does not say, well under this circumstance or that circumstance murder your innocent little baby. Wait until judgement day when people who murdered their babies will have to explain to their own child face to face why they killed them. Personally, those who even think it is okay to do so, are beneath my comprehension, because there just is not a justification to any murder, especially ones own baby.
A worried woman went to her gynecologist and said:
'Doctor, I have a serious problem and desperately need your help! My baby is not even 1 year old and I'm pregnant again. I don't want kids so close together.
So the doctor said: 'Ok and what do you want me to do?'
She said: 'I want you to end my pregnancy, and I'm counting on your help with this.'
The doctor thought for a little, and after some silence he said to the lady: 'I think I have a better solution for your problem. It's less dangerous for you too.'
She smiled, thinking that the doctor was going to accept her request.
Then he continued: 'You see, in order for you not to have to take care 2 babies at the same time, let's kill the one in your arms. This way, you could rest some before the other one is born. If we're going to kill one of them, it doesn't matter which one it is. There would be no risk for your body if you chose the one in your arms.
The lady was horrified and said: 'No doctor! How terrible! It's a crime to kill a child!
'I agree', the doctor replied. 'But you seemed to be OK with it, so I thought maybe that was the best solution.'
The doctor smiled, realizing that he had made his point.
He convinced the mom that there is no difference in killing a child that's already been born and one that's still in the womb.
The crime is the same!
Enjoyed your post! We have 6 kids, and have never been openly criticized for it (of course, perhaps that's because 3 of them are adopted...I've certainly heard their birth mom criticized often enough). While many would say these kids shouldn't exist, they do...and have totally changed my life (for the better...despite their challenges).
couldn't agree with you more. i had four children in four years and yes people talk and Christian have a fit, and the world thinks you are crazy and, and, and. but i love my kids, i take good care of them, we don't take governmental assistance and i really don't think it is ANYONE'S business how many children we have.
children ARE a blessing and i hope to have a few more.
(Love the comment about the woman going to the Dr. so true)
I'm so sorry you've had so much negative in this pregnancy. I don't think they realize they too are rejecting you or the baby. Have your husband pray against the words of rejection against your family. You are BLESSED.
We had some rude comments with our 7th too, but I determined not to let it bother me either. I knew in my heart I was the lucky one and my kids too. My baby is 8 months and my kids want more! They didn't get the memo that they was to be a limit to a perfect family :)
Most people are too selfish to have more. You and I are gonna have so much fun when our kids grow up. We'll have lots of grandkids and always someone coming home for supper!
Plus I think you are an AWESOME Mom! I can't wait to see your beautiful little girl!
Hi keri Jo, thanks for commenting! I tried to see if you had a blog so I could visit but didn't see one.
It IS gonna be fun now and in the future with these kids. I love watching my husband's family (his grandma had 10) because although they are all grown up, they get together for the holidays and it's huge! :D
It is sad how people look at the blessing of children. How anyone could defend murder is beyond me!
In the case of rape, how can someone talk about how awful the rapist was and then go murder the precious life of their own flesh and blood themselves!?
It's a hard day to have large family's, because for some reason people just hate children. Unless you only have your avg. 2.5 children, and leave them in daycare for someone else to raise. Only in that circumstance are children okay to these haters.
Children are a blessing, a reward and a gift. Don't let those people bully you, you are not doing anything wrong! If they don't think you should have this child are they saying God made a mistake?
Also about America having one of the highest mortality rates, I believe that would have a lot to do with doctor's using to many interventions and drugs during labor and delivery! There is so much to be said about that, I would suggest watching the business of being born. Margret Sanger also agreed with the views of Hitler and had a lot of the same goals as him. She was indeed evil!
Can't wait to see pictures of your precious little girl!
Who it's a sad day when murder is not a black and white issue! There is no gray, it's wrong.
Hi Jenny,
I came across your blog while checking out Hanna's and it's been a fun blog to read. I, too, use coupons and love staying home with my kiddos and being as hands on in raising them as possible.
We have 3 kiddos, 2 boys and a girl and we plan on being done. I haven't touched a pill since 2004 and even though many doctors will say that it does not cause abortion that is not a chance I am willing to take. When I look into the beautiful faces of my babies and think about how many children are cast off, it is heart wrenching. According to scripture, the issue of abortion is black and white and the voices of those millions of babies are crying out and they will not be forgotten by our Lord. We live in a very anti-christ society that believes that because the Lord is silent on sin right now that there won't be a Judgement Day. It is natural that people who believe like we do would be attacked because we live in a selfish, guilt-ridden society. I'm not someone who feels the need to express my opinion on everything. I believe that some things Christians can disagree on and can be up for personal conviction, however, I feel the need to speak up for these defenseless babies. Thankfully, we have a long-suffering, patient God who will forgive those willing to repent, no matter the circumstance. This world is so sinful, that anything that happens to us that is good is a direct result of His grace and mercy!
That being said, we have decided not to plan for any more children. I've had 3 c-sections and the doc said I could have one more, but we've chosen not to, however, we have chosen other methods of BC that would not harm a fetus. Motherhood is one of God's highest callings and I feel honored that He would choose to entrust his little ones to me. I admire very large families, like the Duggars as well and I find like-minded families very encouraging. Keep in mind that for every person who has a negative opinion, you are probably encouraging another young mom that is frazzled and has her hands full!
Also, for anyone looking, the Women Living Well blog and the Time-Warp Wife blog are fun Christian blogs to read. Very encouraging for stay at home moms.
Sorry, one last thing. Keep in mind, the verses 2 Timothy 2:14 "Remind them of these things, charging them before the Lord not to strive about words to no profit, to the ruin of the hearers." Some translations say, "Not to war about with words..." It is always important to stand for what's right, but the bible says that warring with words, or debating will not change the other person's mind, usually, so don't be discouraged by those who love to engage in argument.
Anyway, good luck with your delivery and best wishes to your family!
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