I'm 35 weeks pregnant and usually I don't do a weekly countdown but since I'm getting close I have been. :) I just can't believe I'm towards the end. I have gotten nothing ready and haven't even bought a car seat. I DO have a car seat but a boyish looking one. There is a particular pink and black one I have been looking into buying. Pink because I love girly colors for my girl but black so it doesn't show every piece of dirt so easily. I do have a swing and bassinet that was given back to me that I had lent out. Yay! I do need to climb up in the attic and find some girl baby clothes which I know I have. Probably half of her clothes I'll have to donate.
Today I'm gathering up all my coupons that'll give me freebies at the grocery store or major deals. So far I'll get some free toilet paper, 10 free Right Guard deodorants, and some free face foundation. Then I have some coupons to get some major deals on food. I have a fantastic
Lexmark Prestige Pro805
printer that's popular with couponers because of it's ridiculously low cartridge price. The only reason I'm getting the free deodorants is because I found the coupon off of Redplum. About 6 months ago there was a major deal to buy Right Guard for only $1. Well, I didn't have any coupons for it so I waited for the shelf to get cleared out and then asked for a rain check from the cashier. Rain checks are good forever so I'm finally going to cash it in today. :D My husband is happy since our stash for men's deodorant is running low in the pantry. I still have tons of hand soaps, bar soaps, women's deodorant, Ivory body wash, shampoos, shavers, tootpaste, etc, from previous couponing. Anyway, some of the coupons I get from Sunday newspapers but a lot I get from printing them from popular coupon sites or from Facebook. It's not really worth printing out coupons if it costs a lot to buy a new ink cartridge. I bought the Lexmark Prostige because
black ink refills
are only $5. I didn't buy it for the new price that yous see because when I went it, I asked for the model that was only 6 months older than the newest one out. I ended up only paying $100 for it. As many freebies as I have gotten it was worth every penny. The cool thing about having 5 computers in the house is that most of these coupon sites will only let you print a max of 2 of the same coupon. Well, that means I can get 10 and since this printer is set up via wi-fi, I just go to each computer and quickly get my coupons printed out. No cords attached.
Ashley |
Anyway, Ivy is done homeschooling for the year, Kyle will be done in about 3 weeks, and the older 2 boys chose to be done in July. It's fine with me since it's pretty much self guided. It's the younger ones that I have to spend more time with one on one while homeschooling. I'm excited since this will be my first time homeschooling a year straight through. It's a lot of work schooling four kids but in August one more will be added since Ashley is turning five. Wow! You know what I'm super excited about? My three boys will be able to join band this year at a school they go to once a week. Well, all three chose DRUMS so guess what my house is gonna sound like? We'll be buying a drum set soon. Oh boy.
1 comment:
WOW! You are getting really close to your due date! I'll be 38 weeks on Wednesday and I am READY. :) Trying to enjoy my current 2 babies though. Like you said before, it is so hard to not rush pregnancy at this point. I am trying though! Praying for you and have fun with those baby clothes! :)
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