Monday, August 25, 2008

Crazy, Crazy Times

Things have been very crazy lately for my family and I. My husband's job has been up and down. The engineering field has been very shaky these days. My Christian Blogging buddies, please pray that work comes in to my husband's company. He's got the world's greatest boss who is doing anything and everything to keep the company going. Thank you for your prayers!



FaithfulMommy said...

We will definitely pray for your family. :)

Happy Elf Mom (Christine) said...

Praying. My dh could use prayers, too. Shh. Can't write that on the blog, but I'm there with you. My dh works EVERY weekend, except this one. Now I'm feeling sick so this weekend is shot LOL!

Yup, I'm feeling sorry for myself too.

Your dh's boss sounds like he wants to do the right thing, so I'm praying God will honour that!!! AND ps. Ashley is looking like such a big girl now!

PPS. Obama is a Christian? Not exactly, if he keeps voting against all human life that isn't breathing on its own outside the womb.

PPPS what do you think of Sarah Palin?

Virginia Revoir said...

Ashley is getting big!

It's been so sad because I have people around me losing their houses and stuff. It breaks my heart to watch them have to pack up their family and find a different place to live. Sniff...

I love Sarah Palin! She is a strong stander against abortion. She has five kids herself and when they tried to tell her to abort her unborn down syndrome baby, she said "no way!" She is a strong woman but in no way a "femi-nazi". :D