1. I have 5 kids. Three boys and two girls.
2. I have been a Christian for 14 years.
3. I was raised in a Christian church since in my mom's tummy.
4. I am married to Charles. (Sweetest guy on earth!)
5. I've always wanted to have a large family (like at least 7!)
6. I was born with blond hair and had it all growing up but now I have to highlight it to keep it blond! Argh!
7. I look terrible as a brunette.
8. I have blue eyes.
9. I am terrified of Alligators (and snakes) and will not look at them at the zoo.
10. I was blessed to have parents who have stayed together my whole life.
11. My mom was a homemaker and still is!
12. I love to sew. (Although it's hard to find time for it. I love sewing parties.)
13. I love country music but usually don't listen to it because of the immorality in it. Every now and then I find a good song and then I just belt my heart out!
14. I love praise music more! (I love to sing to it while cleaning house.)
15. I thought I was 5' 7" for years. Come to find out I'm 5' 5". It was just my heels I wore. LOL
16. I love to shop. (Duh. I'm a girl. I don't blow money though. I'm a good girl!)
17. I have a best friend Brianne. Although we are opposites in many ways and even have some different beliefs, she is dear to my heart.
18. I long to be my pre-baby weight at 125. (Who doesn't?)
19. I love God with all of my heart. Although at times I've walked away from him, He has never left me.
20. I love dogs. I have a beautiful Great Dane.
21. I used to have cats till they kept peeing in my laundry.
22. I love birds but since I can't keep them alive in my house... well, I keep my distance.
23. I don't really like going to people's houses that don't have a fence around their pool. It is most unrelaxing worrying about my kids.
24. I looooove Christmas time because it is so much fun giving and baking cookies. It's cold and we have to bundle up. I love the music and Christmas lights.
25. My anniversary is in December.
26. I was born on Flag day, June 14.
27. My nationalities are Irish, German, English, and Cherokee.
28. I have a french last name because of my French husband who is Hungarian and French Canadian.
29. I own a home with 4 bedrooms and big back yard!
30. When I was single I supported myself on $5.75 an hour and only made $600 a month.
31. I felt like I was gonna starve to death. I was way underweight at 110 lbs.
32. I had no car and would take the bus to my job at JCPenney.
33. I love being pregnant but hate the very beginning and the very end!
34. I love giving birth. It is such an exciting experience. With or without the epidural. (Even though it hurts like crud!)
35. I love the zoo. I'm just an animal lover! Although I'm not a weirdo about it. I don't knit clothes for the poor giraffe's in the winter.
36. I met my husband at my sister's church where her and her husband pastored. Thank goodness they found him for me! LOL!
37. I think homemaking at least while your children are young is so important. (It meant a lot to me!)
38. I love to cook.
39. I love even more to bake. I love to make the cake but not to eat it. I'm not much of a sweets person.
40. I hate doing dishes.
41. I love doing laundry.
42. I love new technology. I want the new Scuba robot that mops your floor.
43. I loooooove my laptop. It's my baby and I love having Wifi.
44. I have a hard time making friends after being betrayed so many times. Who hasn't? But I'm trying to come out of my shell. There is no life in unforgiveness. But it is a true fear I have, making friends.
45. When I was a teen I seriously battled depression.
46. I am completely free from that. I think the teen years are very rough and would never want to go through them again for nothing.
47. I love my elementary school years until my parents moved. Then I disliked school every since.
48. I never finished high school. I got my GED and then a certificate from courses I took in College.
49. I was terrified of high school because girls threatened to stab me there. I eventually pulled myself out and went to work. I tried homeschooling myself but couldn't afford the cost.
50. I love to sing. I sing on the platform at church for song service. Not for reason's people think. I only love to sing praise songs to God. God loved David's songs to Him.
51. I love the colors red and black.
52. I've always wanted a red convertible.
53. I think the love of money really is the root of all evil (as the bible says).
54. I love the mall and so does my husband. Just to walk around and window shop.
55. We own a red minivan although I long for an SUV instead.
56. As of December 5, 2007, my husband and I will have been married for 9 years.
57. I am 29 years old and my husband is 31.
58. Between my 5 kids, I've had 10 babyshowers. Such a blessing!
59. I hate talking on the phone. I'd rather email or IM. I think it's so rude that people will call just because they're bored! Why should I stop what I'm doing because they're bored?
60. I always love talking to my dad though.
61. I attended teen bootcamp in New Mexico every summer 6 different times.
62. I have dimples. (How come none of my five kids do?)
63. I played flute for concert band in school.
64. I played alto sax and tenor sax for Jazz band in school.
65. I was 4th chair in honor band once but hated it because girls were snobs. (So weird).
66. My sister and I got to cheer lead for The Suns on court once for the half time show when I was little.
67. I love pink roses.
68. I love pink sweaters.
69. I love shoes that have a high heel on it. (That explains why I thought I was 5'7" all those years!
70. I absolutely love homemaking. I feel like I'm living my dream I've always wanted since I was a little girl.
71. I am now homeschooling my children.
72. I love to swim.
73. I love snow but have to travel to see it.
74. I hate mopping but my husband loves it so he took over that chore for me. Wow! What a man.
75. I love to ride horses and also day dream about living on a farm. (But still close enough to drive to a city).
76. I love Bookstores!
77. I am the youngest of three daughters.
78. I lived a sheltered life growing up which I am very thankful for. My husband quite the opposite.
79. I absolutely LOVE Diet Dr. Pepper Cherry and Vanilla soda. Yummm...
80. I had braces when I was a teen.
81. I learned how to drive on a stick shift first before an automatic.
82. I hate horror movies. They are so evil. What is the point? "Yay! Let's scare ourselves to death. Fun!" Not like I own movies or a TV anyway.
83. I love middle eastern food like crazy.
84. I am terrified to go camping. Afraid to get robbed or shot.
85. I love taking pictures! I've always wanted to be a photographer.
86. I dislike confrontations. I can't see why people seem to seek them out at times.
87. I can play piano but mostly by ear. That's what makes it fun for me.
88. I am a major beach girl. Love the beach but don't live by one.
89. I know all the states and all the books of the Bible by heart.
90. I love Rocky Road and Mint chocolate chip ice cream.
91. I hate stuffed animals. What's the point? They clutter the place.
92. I'm in love with Girl Scout's Thin Mints. When I see a girl scout, I practically chase her down.
93. When I can't find a girl scout, I settle for Mint Oreo cookies with milk only.
94. I can make killer cookies, pies, and cakes. Only if not in a rush though.
95. I love to read.
96. I was raised without a TV and I don't have one now. Time waster!
97. I love to play volleyball and basketball. (Played basketball in school).
98. I got to play one and one basketball with Meadowlark Lemon (Harlem Globetrotters). He trained me how to play.
99. I love board games such as Guesstures, Risk, Clue, and Scattegories.
100. I love going to bed with peace in my heart knowing if I die I'll make Heaven my home because I have a relationship with Jesus Christ. The bible promises me that!
Whew! That's a lot!
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Fun Diet
Yes, I have found the perfect diet. So called. Well, as soon as I had the baby and I had recovered (which is always right away for me), I went to the usual place I like to go to monitor my eating habits. Sparkpeople. Well, I signed into the section for moms who are breastfeeding so I can make sure I get enough calories each week to keep my milk coming. Well, they said I need to have 2200-2500 calories a day. So I thought, great, no problem. I'll just start tracking my calories now so I can lose some weight. Welllll.... come to find out, I don't eat enough! My daily intake is about 1500 calories a day and they are telling me that if I don't start eating more I could lose my breast milk! THIS EXPLAINS WHY I'VE NEVER BEEN ABLE TO BREAST FEED FOR VERY LONG WITH MY OTHER ONES. I never eat enough. In these last few weeks I just would write down what I ate for the day in Sparkpeople without even watching what I was eating. I WASN'T trying to eat less. Charles always did say I didn't eat much. Okay, so if I wasn't nursing, actually 1500 is great. But not good if I want to keep my milk. So I'm like 1000 calories under my daily intake. So, now I'm going from trying to scale down... to looking in my fridge to force myself to eat more than I'm used to. This is really weird. I have no choice in the matter since I always have trouble keeping my breast milk. I guess this is what you call a fun diet. I've even gone to Mcdonalds just to cheat to add up the numbers quicker. Like getting a 500 calorie double cheeseburger. Sigh. So much for losing weight this way. I guess I'll go back to my aerobic classes again. Those are always fun anyway. Especially when the grannies are quicker than me.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Babyshower for Ashley
On Monday, my friends and my mom held a babyshower for me and Ashley. It was wonderful and such a blessing! We had lots of fun and I am ever so grateful. :o)
Monday, November 26, 2007
Potty Business

Now...onto more important business. Potty business. I went out to buy Ivy a potty chair to let her get acquainted with it. She is terrified of the big toilet so I got her a little one that looks just like it. She is only two and a half but I always like to put one in the bathroom so they are comfortable around it when they start learning. Whether or not she decides to use it, there is no rush. She has gone in it a couple of times so we'll see. She is just so ready to learn.
Kitten Fun

Okay, I know I'm posting a lot about kittens here. But we are just having so much fun sitting in the living room watching the little kittens play. Unfortunately, they now have figured out how to get out of the cage and are climbing over. Now, I don't mind them having some freedom. What they don't understand is that I'm just protecting them from the kids. My boys are so rough that I have to monitor their time with the kittens. Now.... I can't because they just don't want to be caged anymore. Almost time to let them go. Sniff...
Saturday, November 24, 2007
My Family Life
This is great. I got this from Teresa's site. Let me also know if you post your own answers on your site. I'd love to read them.
I don't want my children to be spoiled so I make sure they...
do their part to help being they are a part of this family.
I may not be a perfect chef, but my kids love it when I cook....
anything Italian. They just love lasagna and any pasta.
I felt like Super Mom when I .....
realized that having 4 kids wasn't that hard! Once I got past that notion, I went on to five. LOL!
I realized I had turned into my mom (or dad) when I heard myself say.....
"Watch out for cars because they won't watch out for you!" My dad said that so many times it's stuck in my head even when I cross the street. It saved my life once.
They may not thank me now, but when they're older my children will thank me for....
teaching them that laziness in not in fact a virtue!
My proudest moment as a mom was...
whenever they are good in a restaurant. When one doesn't ever barf on the floor, or a baby doesn't diarrhea down my leg, or my toddler doesn't take off running so she can sit with another family. When someone says, "wow, you have really good kids", then I'm sooo proud. Proud as a peacock! LOL!
My most prized gift from my children are...
when they volunteer to pray for me when I'm sick.
My kids know not to interrupt me when....
I'm taking a nap! (Ooooh, those naps stolen in the middle of the day are just the best.)
I don't want my children to be spoiled so I make sure they...
do their part to help being they are a part of this family.
I may not be a perfect chef, but my kids love it when I cook....
anything Italian. They just love lasagna and any pasta.
I felt like Super Mom when I .....
realized that having 4 kids wasn't that hard! Once I got past that notion, I went on to five. LOL!
I realized I had turned into my mom (or dad) when I heard myself say.....
"Watch out for cars because they won't watch out for you!" My dad said that so many times it's stuck in my head even when I cross the street. It saved my life once.
They may not thank me now, but when they're older my children will thank me for....
teaching them that laziness in not in fact a virtue!
My proudest moment as a mom was...
whenever they are good in a restaurant. When one doesn't ever barf on the floor, or a baby doesn't diarrhea down my leg, or my toddler doesn't take off running so she can sit with another family. When someone says, "wow, you have really good kids", then I'm sooo proud. Proud as a peacock! LOL!
My most prized gift from my children are...
when they volunteer to pray for me when I'm sick.
My kids know not to interrupt me when....
I'm taking a nap! (Ooooh, those naps stolen in the middle of the day are just the best.)
So Incredibly Thankful

(First picture is of my sister Tammy (brown hair), my dad, me, and Charles holding our little girl at Thanksgiving).
Today I was going around visiting some of my favorite blogs and I was reading Homemaking Homesteader's. She had a great blog about A Season of Thankfulness. These are my thoughts after reading her article.
Lately I have really sat back and reflected on things. Especially my family. Even though many around me are against larger families, I have began to really appreciate my kids more and more. I love life with them more since I had made a choice to set down some of my selfish desires. Especially since some of them are so unsatisfying. Lately Charles and I have been really talking about life before our kids. Boring! All we did was go to work, come home and either pop in a movie, or eat somewhere. I mean, there wasn't really a lot to do. Making dinner just for two wasn't as much fun either. Now, I have a little baby to snuggle, a little toddler girl to hear all her cute antics, boys I play kickball with in the backyard, and my dogs to run around the yard with and play, my birds to hear their pretty chirping, and my kittens to watch playing and wrestling. I love to hear my little girl pacing around the room while she pretends to talk to someone on her little phone. I love to teach my boys from the bible and hear them praying for each other. My life is just so much fuller than back when all I had was our jobs and money. Whoopeedo. There is only so much happiness you can gain from money. It's just so temporary. Of course we need money to live our lives but I learned not to worship it and build my life around it! My family, God, and friends have been the most fulfilling thing I could every have imagined for my life. Thank God for His blessings.
When Children Fight
You know, I have always thought about this and wondered what to do when siblings constantly argue. Now, my kids don't ALWAYS do that but they do have their moments. I went to visit Owlhaven's site and found this article When Children Fight to be very helpful. There are some days where my kids are just getting along like Sesame Street. Then there are other days where I think they are competing like are guests on Jerry Springer. But... in... a more normal way I assure you. Sheesh. That show is sick. Anyway, back on track again. I just thought maybe you guys might like to check out this article also. It's definitely something to think about. I will give it a try.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Saturday Chores

Saturday, November 17, 2007
So Much Cute Stuff Happening Around Here!

I can't keep taking so many pictures! I go through so many batteries for my camera that I had to go buy some rechargeable ones. I was supposed to be getting some chores done today but after we got our bible reading and prayer time done, we went outside to play. We had fun

(You can click on links to see pictures better)
Americans Despise Children
You guuuys! Would you stop reading my thoughts? I stopped at Kristin's site and found this article she wrote about how Americans Despise Children. You people keep saying exactly what I'm thinking. And before I can put it down into words, one of you smart people will say it first before I can even put it together as well as you did. Sheesh. Kristin says it so well here. I have been sharing these same thoughts with my husband the last few weeks. Gosh. How am I gonna have anything to write about on my own! LOL!
Friday, November 16, 2007
Similar Thoughts Shared From a Friend
After posting "Thoughts From My Heart", I had a friend write to me and let me know that she had just went down this same road as me. Same thoughts, concerns about our children. You can read Kristin's blog here about it. It was really encouraging. Thank you Homeschool and Etc. for your encouragement also. Thank goodness for women like you.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Thoughts From My Heart
Lately I've had some things pressed on my heart that I've been giving a lot of thought to. I don't share it because I am trying to welcome critisism nor am I needy of approval. I'm just sharing.
My kids near future (as teens) have been really weighing on my heart. Why? I'm not sure. Maybe because we humans tend to put things off in our mind that we don't want to really have to think about. I don't want to think about those turbulent times. I want my boys to stay little boys and my girls to stay cute little girls that just click their little play heels around my tile and hold dollies. Sometimes I stop and think, "Am I really doing whatever it takes to raise them in the Lord? Am I raising them up to really understand responsibility, how to treat their spouses, how to serve the Lord through good times and bad?" I don't quite think what I am doing is adequate enough. Right now they go to school for 9 hours, come home, do their homework, play an hour each of computer games, then do their chores, eat dinner, take a shower, have some playtime, and go to bed. Next day repeat. Where in there am I training for any of the other important things in life? Weekends only? Summer when schools out? Somehow, it doesn't seem good enough! When they were out of school. This is more what their day looked like.
1. Wake up and play quietly in their playrooms or watch story books online while mommy woke up and got ready for the day.
2. Ate breakfast together.
3. Had prayer and bible time with mommy.
4. Played while mommy gets caught up on her emails with friends.
5. Take care of all animals who need to be fed.
6. Each separates into their own list of chores for that day.
7. Lunch time which means whoever's turn it is to learn a meal with mommy.
8. Another's turn to load kid dishes in dishwasher. Plus we learn different chores together such as sorting clothes, cleaning dirt off walls, sweeping porch. Whatever extras need to be done that day.
9. Play time inside or out.
10. Nap time for two youngest ones.
11. Each kid gets one hour on computer for kids online games
12. Next round of feeding animals
13.Free time to do whatever while mommy does her own cleaning.
14. Storytime.
15. Next kid's turn to learn a dinner with mommy before daddy gets home
16. Dinner ready by the time daddy walks in and we all have family dinner time.
17. Fun with Daddy! (Usually means it our traditions "Wrestle! Wrestle!" time or Hide N' Seek).
18. Shower and bath time.
19. Prayer time and talk with daddy in beds
20. Bedtime 8-8:30pm
21. Mommy and daddy time
Now add into my schedule homeschooling time now that it is school season.
Okay, that's a big difference of training time I have with my boys compared to when they are in school. Those schedules vary depending on the day or errands to run. Also if there is church that night. So, I have been thinking, if I want them to have more time with me, get closer to God, and learn how to grow up with good training habits in the home and later on in their own lives, maybe I should homeschool. Okay, so this is new for me. I don't want them completely away from interaction with other kids. That's when, through my friend, I found this great program. 2 days at school, 3 days at home. The two days they are at school they are doing things such as P.E., Computers, Music, and touching base on some things they are learning from home. So still, all their curriculum is at home. When I visited the school, Charles and I were stunned and what the kids were like there. ALL were homeschooled kids who only come once or twice a week. They were all playing coordinated games together in recess. They were cordial, a boy said "excuse me" when his ball came bouncing up to me. No one was arguing, cussing, being rude to each other or adults. They was almost just a calm demeaner about them. We just stood and stared. I've seen public school and charter school kids. NOTHING like this. I know there some kids that are still respectful. But this was amazing. The teachers were great, the most in the class was 16 kids. You could tell the teachers really, really loved what they did. I thought, if this is what homeschooled kids are like, I definitely want to give my kids that chance. A chance to have bible study every morning, like I did when they were out of school. More time to train them in the kitchen and chores around house. Also time to care for their animals and learn responsibility. More time to train them in caring for others besides themself. When they finally come home from school, I have so little time to have any of that!
I worry. I sit and think about, their current schedule and wonder if I leading them in a good direction. It's great if they grow up wanting good careers. It's great if they learn their math, reading, (false or true) science that school teaches them. Those are all great. BUT, there is SO MUCH MORE than that. So, so, so much more. Most important, their relationship with God. Do you know what it's like in public school to have teachers and kids alike who could care less about God even though you do? You see just a hatred towards anything Holy. A hatred towards anything pure. No matter who puts me down, or who tells me I'm wrong, these are my convictions. And they've been heavy on my heart for quite some time. I can keep swallowing them and turning my head. But what price will I pay just a few years from now? I can go down that path, or.... I can stop and change things now. Give my kids an opportunity to go down a different road. A road better for them, better for us, a better chance for their souls. I love all these little guys and I want the best for them. So what if I have to sacrifice my time and not have as much free time. Kids really are fun and such a joy to be around when you stop thinking life is all about yourself. That's a revelation I had a year ago. I am a better person, first, because of God, second, because of my children. Anyhow, just some of my thoughts. Hope I was able to say it with clarity. It's hard to really do it right because there is just so much more and not enough time to write about it all. It would be too long! As if this isn't already. :P
My kids near future (as teens) have been really weighing on my heart. Why? I'm not sure. Maybe because we humans tend to put things off in our mind that we don't want to really have to think about. I don't want to think about those turbulent times. I want my boys to stay little boys and my girls to stay cute little girls that just click their little play heels around my tile and hold dollies. Sometimes I stop and think, "Am I really doing whatever it takes to raise them in the Lord? Am I raising them up to really understand responsibility, how to treat their spouses, how to serve the Lord through good times and bad?" I don't quite think what I am doing is adequate enough. Right now they go to school for 9 hours, come home, do their homework, play an hour each of computer games, then do their chores, eat dinner, take a shower, have some playtime, and go to bed. Next day repeat. Where in there am I training for any of the other important things in life? Weekends only? Summer when schools out? Somehow, it doesn't seem good enough! When they were out of school. This is more what their day looked like.
1. Wake up and play quietly in their playrooms or watch story books online while mommy woke up and got ready for the day.
2. Ate breakfast together.
3. Had prayer and bible time with mommy.
4. Played while mommy gets caught up on her emails with friends.
5. Take care of all animals who need to be fed.
6. Each separates into their own list of chores for that day.
7. Lunch time which means whoever's turn it is to learn a meal with mommy.
8. Another's turn to load kid dishes in dishwasher. Plus we learn different chores together such as sorting clothes, cleaning dirt off walls, sweeping porch. Whatever extras need to be done that day.
9. Play time inside or out.
10. Nap time for two youngest ones.
11. Each kid gets one hour on computer for kids online games
12. Next round of feeding animals
13.Free time to do whatever while mommy does her own cleaning.
14. Storytime.
15. Next kid's turn to learn a dinner with mommy before daddy gets home
16. Dinner ready by the time daddy walks in and we all have family dinner time.
17. Fun with Daddy! (Usually means it our traditions "Wrestle! Wrestle!" time or Hide N' Seek).
18. Shower and bath time.
19. Prayer time and talk with daddy in beds
20. Bedtime 8-8:30pm
21. Mommy and daddy time
Now add into my schedule homeschooling time now that it is school season.
Okay, that's a big difference of training time I have with my boys compared to when they are in school. Those schedules vary depending on the day or errands to run. Also if there is church that night. So, I have been thinking, if I want them to have more time with me, get closer to God, and learn how to grow up with good training habits in the home and later on in their own lives, maybe I should homeschool. Okay, so this is new for me. I don't want them completely away from interaction with other kids. That's when, through my friend, I found this great program. 2 days at school, 3 days at home. The two days they are at school they are doing things such as P.E., Computers, Music, and touching base on some things they are learning from home. So still, all their curriculum is at home. When I visited the school, Charles and I were stunned and what the kids were like there. ALL were homeschooled kids who only come once or twice a week. They were all playing coordinated games together in recess. They were cordial, a boy said "excuse me" when his ball came bouncing up to me. No one was arguing, cussing, being rude to each other or adults. They was almost just a calm demeaner about them. We just stood and stared. I've seen public school and charter school kids. NOTHING like this. I know there some kids that are still respectful. But this was amazing. The teachers were great, the most in the class was 16 kids. You could tell the teachers really, really loved what they did. I thought, if this is what homeschooled kids are like, I definitely want to give my kids that chance. A chance to have bible study every morning, like I did when they were out of school. More time to train them in the kitchen and chores around house. Also time to care for their animals and learn responsibility. More time to train them in caring for others besides themself. When they finally come home from school, I have so little time to have any of that!
I worry. I sit and think about, their current schedule and wonder if I leading them in a good direction. It's great if they grow up wanting good careers. It's great if they learn their math, reading, (false or true) science that school teaches them. Those are all great. BUT, there is SO MUCH MORE than that. So, so, so much more. Most important, their relationship with God. Do you know what it's like in public school to have teachers and kids alike who could care less about God even though you do? You see just a hatred towards anything Holy. A hatred towards anything pure. No matter who puts me down, or who tells me I'm wrong, these are my convictions. And they've been heavy on my heart for quite some time. I can keep swallowing them and turning my head. But what price will I pay just a few years from now? I can go down that path, or.... I can stop and change things now. Give my kids an opportunity to go down a different road. A road better for them, better for us, a better chance for their souls. I love all these little guys and I want the best for them. So what if I have to sacrifice my time and not have as much free time. Kids really are fun and such a joy to be around when you stop thinking life is all about yourself. That's a revelation I had a year ago. I am a better person, first, because of God, second, because of my children. Anyhow, just some of my thoughts. Hope I was able to say it with clarity. It's hard to really do it right because there is just so much more and not enough time to write about it all. It would be too long! As if this isn't already. :P
November 2006 Flashback!

Click here to view my blogging in November 2006!
I always love doing this because first off, it reminds me how long and faithfully I've been blogging, and second, I love to see how much has changed in just one year! There is some stuff in there I never would've remembered if I hadn't of blogged all this time. Thank goodness for blogging! Here's some things that have changed.
1. We now live in a house rather than in an apartment. Thank goodness.
2. My hair looks better year ago than it does now. Bummer.
3. I have that second little girl I was hoping to have someday. Although she won't be my last like I thought.
4. The little kitten Chaz rescued last year is now a mommy to 4 little kittens of her own.
5. My little baby girl Ivy is now a big sister! I can't believe how much she's grown!
Anyhow, come see for yourself.
Wisdom From a Young Boy
This just really touched my heart.
Logan is a 13 year-old boy who lives on a ranch in a very small town in Nebraska. Logan listens to Christian Radio station 89.3FM KSBJ which broadcasts from Houston, TX. Logan called the radio station distraught because he had to take down a calf . His words have wisdom beyond his years.
Logan is a 13 year-old boy who lives on a ranch in a very small town in Nebraska. Logan listens to Christian Radio station 89.3FM KSBJ which broadcasts from Houston, TX. Logan called the radio station distraught because he had to take down a calf . His words have wisdom beyond his years.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Why I Need to Remember to be Grateful
This story is so tragic on Deedra's blog. It reminds me why I need to be grateful for my little ones. This is heartbreaking.
Bad Colds and such

Homeschooling and Enrichment Program

Today I was really tired from doing a lot of running around. Generally, I don't like running errands because it breaks up the harmony of the day. It's weird to think how much I've become a home person. That must be why they call it a "homemaker". Hee, hee. Anyhow, I went to go check out a new "school" for the boys. I will be homeschooling my boys soon and I finally found the program that I wanted. It's online so they only do 50% of their work with textbooks. Then twice a week they go to the Enrichment Program where they stay like a regular school day but they get stuff like P.E., computers, music, and touch base on other stuff that they wouldn't get at home. Not only the big factor, they love having friends. So they would be at home 3 days a week and at the Enrichment School twice a week. It's just really a great program Charles and I are really excited about it. We couldn't believe how different the attitudes and temperaments were with the kids there compared to the the previous public and charter schools my kids were going to. It was unbelievable! I've never seen such calm and well behaved kids who were so extremely respectful to each other and their teachers. The classrooms were small and orderly. Kids had great attitudes. Wow. That's basically it. Anyhow, you can tell I'm excited.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
The Old Paths
This is really Powerful and so true! I couldn't of said it better. -Virginia :o)
I liked the old paths, when
Moms were at home.
Dads were at work.
Brothers went into the army.
And sisters got married BEFORE having children!
Crime did not pay;
Hard work did;
And people knew the difference.
Moms could cook;
Dads would work;
Children would behave.
Husbands were loving;
Wives were supportive;
And children were polite.
Women wore the jewelry;
And Men wore the pants.
Women looked like ladies;
Men looked like gentlemen;
And children looked decent.
People loved the truth,
And hated a lie;
They came to church to get IN,
Not to get OUT!
Hymns sounded Godly;
Sermons sounded helpful;
Rejoicing sounded normal;
And crying sounded sincere.
Cursing was wicked;
Drinking was evil;
and divorce was unthinkable.
The flag was honored;
America was beautiful;
And God was welcome!
We read the Bible in public;
Prayed in school;
And preached from house to house
To be called an American was worth dying for;
To be called a Christian was worth living for;
To be called a traitor was a shame!
Sex was a personal word.
Homosexual was an unheard of word,
And abortion was an illegal word.
Preachers preached because they had a message;
And Christians rejoiced because they had the VICTORY!
Preachers preached from the Bible;
Singers sang from the heart;
And sinners turned to the Lord to be SAVED!
A new birth meant a new life;
Salvation meant a changed life;
Following Christ led to eternal life.
Being a preacher meant you proclaimed the word of God;
Being a deacon meant you would serve the Lord;
Being a Christian meant you would live for Jesus;
And being a sinner meant someone was praying for you!
Laws were based on the Bible;
Homes read the Bible;
And churches taught the Bible.
Preachers were more interested in new converts,
Than new clothes and new cars.
God was worshiped;
Christ was exalted;
and the Holy Spirit was respected.
Church was where you found Christians
on the Lord's day, rather than in the garden,
on the creek bank, on the golf course,
or being entertained somewhere else.
I still like the old paths the best
I liked the old paths, when
Moms were at home.
Dads were at work.
Brothers went into the army.
And sisters got married BEFORE having children!
Crime did not pay;
Hard work did;
And people knew the difference.
Moms could cook;
Dads would work;
Children would behave.
Husbands were loving;
Wives were supportive;
And children were polite.
Women wore the jewelry;
And Men wore the pants.
Women looked like ladies;
Men looked like gentlemen;
And children looked decent.
People loved the truth,
And hated a lie;
They came to church to get IN,
Not to get OUT!
Hymns sounded Godly;
Sermons sounded helpful;
Rejoicing sounded normal;
And crying sounded sincere.
Cursing was wicked;
Drinking was evil;
and divorce was unthinkable.
The flag was honored;
America was beautiful;
And God was welcome!
We read the Bible in public;
Prayed in school;
And preached from house to house
To be called an American was worth dying for;
To be called a Christian was worth living for;
To be called a traitor was a shame!
Sex was a personal word.
Homosexual was an unheard of word,
And abortion was an illegal word.
Preachers preached because they had a message;
And Christians rejoiced because they had the VICTORY!
Preachers preached from the Bible;
Singers sang from the heart;
And sinners turned to the Lord to be SAVED!
A new birth meant a new life;
Salvation meant a changed life;
Following Christ led to eternal life.
Being a preacher meant you proclaimed the word of God;
Being a deacon meant you would serve the Lord;
Being a Christian meant you would live for Jesus;
And being a sinner meant someone was praying for you!
Laws were based on the Bible;
Homes read the Bible;
And churches taught the Bible.
Preachers were more interested in new converts,
Than new clothes and new cars.
God was worshiped;
Christ was exalted;
and the Holy Spirit was respected.
Church was where you found Christians
on the Lord's day, rather than in the garden,
on the creek bank, on the golf course,
or being entertained somewhere else.
I still like the old paths the best
Beautiful Day

We moved our birds outside since the weather is nice. Anything here is beautiful when it's not hot. While we were working outside, little Ashley was sleeping away. I know some of you people are thinking, "why is that baby not bundled up?" Although it's November, it's still 80-90 degrees where I'm at! I won't be breaking out the jackets anytime soon. Um, not till it gets in the 70's.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Kennel Club!

I thought today this would be a good project. We put blocks underneath the dog's kennel. I had an idea though that we could somehow connect the Kennel with the Dogloo to where they stay together always. I have big dogs, a lab and a Great dane, so there isn't much space in there. We made it permanent to where whenever we had to lock them in there, they could sit in kennel or in the Dogloo for shade. They love it. Project well worth it for doggies!
Funny Comment!
I was visiting Katherine's blog site, and when I went to leave her a comment, I found this funny comment from Sherri, another fellow blogger. This is funny and so true, check it out:
"I'm so with you on the groceries. Pardon the long comment, but here it goes."
After planning meals, checking the pantry for what we need, driving to the store, etc. Then we have to do the following:
1) Take items off shelf
2) Put
3) Take items out of cart
4) Put items on conveyor belt
for ringing up
5) Put items back in cart
6) Wheel cart out to car
7) Take items out of cart
8) Put items in car
9) Drive home
10) Take items out of car
11) Carry items in house
12) Take items out of bags
13) Put items away
"Anyone still amazed that we hate this chore?"
"I'm so with you on the groceries. Pardon the long comment, but here it goes."
After planning meals, checking the pantry for what we need, driving to the store, etc. Then we have to do the following:
1) Take items off shelf
2) Put
3) Take items out of cart
4) Put items on conveyor belt
for ringing up
5) Put items back in cart
6) Wheel cart out to car
7) Take items out of cart
8) Put items in car
9) Drive home
10) Take items out of car
11) Carry items in house
12) Take items out of bags
13) Put items away
"Anyone still amazed that we hate this chore?"
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Goose House
I absolutely loved this when I saw this at the zoo. This is a house for "Lucy Goose". I wondered in my head, "could I possible build something like that for chickens"? I just want one rooster and a couple of hens. Although I had been thinking about a couple different kinds of chicken coops. This was the most attractive by far and extremely cute to look at. Next would be building a sufficient enough cage so dogs won't get a hold of one. I mean, I do have a Labrador which is a bird dog. I moved the huge parakeet cage from kid's playroom onto my patio. At first I was worried because my lab and great dane were getting overly excited looking into cage and wanting to get to them. Now they are used to them though and don't bother them. I hope it would be same for chickens. This is just one project I am looking into for Charles and I to have fun with. Anyhow, I thought the little house in this picture was just such a cuter touch compared to a regular chicken coop. The whole idea is to get my kids and I into caring for other animals and just having fun discovering more about God's creation!
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Brother-in-law's 40th Bday
Kitten Cage
No I'm not spoiling my kittens. It's just that the kittens are now escaping from their box and since I'm afraid I might step on them, I put them in here so the kids can watch them play and they have more space. Okay, so it's in the middle of my living room but it is fun to watch them play with the baby toys. :o)
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
My Kittens
19 Ways to Maintain a Healthy Level of Insanity
This is so funny it had my husband and I laughing. I'm gonna try some of them myself. LOL!
1. At Lunch Time, Sit In Your Parked Car With Sunglasses on and point a Hair
Dryer At Passing Cars. See If They Slow Down.
2. Page Yourself Over The Intercom. Don't Disguise Your Voice.
3 Every Time Someone Asks You To Do Something, Ask If They Want Fries with
4. Put Your Garbage Can On Your Desk And Label It "In."
5. Put Decaf In The Coffee Maker For 3 Weeks. Once Everyone has Gotten Over
Their Caffeine Addictions, Switch to Espresso.
6. In The Memo Field Of All Your Checks, Write "For Smuggling Diamonds"
7. Finish All Your sentences with "In Accordance With The Prophecy."
8. Don t use any punctuation
9. As Often As Possible, Skip Rather Than Walk.
10.. Order a Diet Water whenever you go out to eat with a serious face.
11 Specify That Your Drive-through Order Is "To Go."
12. Sing Along At The Opera
13. Go To A Poetry Recital And Ask Why The Poems Don't Rhyme
14. Put Mosquito Netting Around Your Work Area And Play tropical Sounds All
15. Five Days In Advance , Tell Your Friends You Can't Attend Their Party
Because You're Not In The Mood.
16. Have Your Coworkers Address You By Your Wrestling Name, Rock Bottom.
17. When The Money Comes Out The ATM, Scream "I Won!, I Won!"
18. When Leaving The Zoo, Start Running Towards The Parking lot, Yelling
"Run For Your Lives, They're Loose!!"
19. Tell Your Children Over Dinner. "Due To The Economy, We Are Going To
Have To Let One Of You Go."
1. At Lunch Time, Sit In Your Parked Car With Sunglasses on and point a Hair
Dryer At Passing Cars. See If They Slow Down.
2. Page Yourself Over The Intercom. Don't Disguise Your Voice.
3 Every Time Someone Asks You To Do Something, Ask If They Want Fries with
4. Put Your Garbage Can On Your Desk And Label It "In."
5. Put Decaf In The Coffee Maker For 3 Weeks. Once Everyone has Gotten Over
Their Caffeine Addictions, Switch to Espresso.
6. In The Memo Field Of All Your Checks, Write "For Smuggling Diamonds"
7. Finish All Your sentences with "In Accordance With The Prophecy."
8. Don t use any punctuation
9. As Often As Possible, Skip Rather Than Walk.
10.. Order a Diet Water whenever you go out to eat with a serious face.
11 Specify That Your Drive-through Order Is "To Go."
12. Sing Along At The Opera
13. Go To A Poetry Recital And Ask Why The Poems Don't Rhyme
14. Put Mosquito Netting Around Your Work Area And Play tropical Sounds All
15. Five Days In Advance , Tell Your Friends You Can't Attend Their Party
Because You're Not In The Mood.
16. Have Your Coworkers Address You By Your Wrestling Name, Rock Bottom.
17. When The Money Comes Out The ATM, Scream "I Won!, I Won!"
18. When Leaving The Zoo, Start Running Towards The Parking lot, Yelling
"Run For Your Lives, They're Loose!!"
19. Tell Your Children Over Dinner. "Due To The Economy, We Are Going To
Have To Let One Of You Go."
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
State Seizes Baby To Perform Blood Test
Kristin had this article on her website. It is absolutely horrifying what this mom and baby are being put through. Read article here.
My Playful Great Dane
This is just so cute. This is my Great Dane Daisy. Whenever the kids go outside to play, she sits next to them or goes into the play house with them. In this picture, the kids had just walked away so she was still in the house. Great Danes are the best family dogs! She is really sweet and really a gentle giant. She is eight months old right now so she will get bigger.
Monday, November 05, 2007
My Boys!
I just love this picture and I had to share it with you! My three boys, Chaz who is 7, Kyle is 4, and Ryan is 6. I had 3 kids within 3 years. My first two were 12 months apart. Now they are all buddies. Although those first few years were tough, I wouldn't trade those years for anything.
Saturday, November 03, 2007
Batches and Batches of Cookies
Last night after I had my friends over for dinner and played board games, I stayed up till 3:30am to bake six batches of cookies. Chocolate chip, Snickerdoodles, and Peanut Butter cookies. I bagged them up and sold them at my mom's community yard sale. With only 4 hours of sleep, I was tired! After I came home, I crashed in bed for 2 glorious hours. I have some cookies left from baking so many of them. But don't worry, I won't eat them all gone........ um, yeah.
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Harvest Day! (For Candy That Is)
We had a great "Harvest Day". Harvest day for Candy that is! Or you could say Halloween. Our boys dressed up as blue power ranger, red power ranger, Batman, and a Fairy. Ashley just wore pumpkin booties my friend got her. So cute. First we headed to Charles' parent's house to trick or treat in their neighborhood. Well, my kids have never trick or treated before so this was new to them. At one point when someone opened the door, Kyle just walked right in. At first when people would answer the door, Chaz or Ryan would ask if they could come in and play games or to pet their cats. It was so funny. We had to keep explaining to them that we were only there to trick or treat. After we filled up their bags, we headed to church for the Harvest Party where they play games and win prizes. All in all, it was a great night!
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