Friday, July 04, 2008

We LOVE America!

Wow! What an amazing day it was today, Independence Day. It was jammed packed where we were and we arrived at 5pm which was perfect so kids could play in water and do other fun stuff before it was time to settle down for the show. A band played the entire time but I wasn't too interested since it was just another secular band. A MAJOR storm was heading our way. My mom said the news was saying it was very dangerous and there was even going to be hail. Well, before it could reach us, all of a sudden it died down. So perfect. Just before we thought our little ones would lose it from impatience, the fireworks finally started at 9:20pm. Afterward, which is the best part, as we exited we joined our church for their street preaching to the crowds. They had a mime drama, we sang, people gave their testimonies. They spoke about the freedoms of America but also our freedom we have in Christ Jesus. How once we were bound in our sin, but Jesus set us free. It was an awesome message after message and MANY gathered around. We didn't get home till real late but we had a great time. Just in time too because the partiers were starting to fill the streets. We were happy when we got home, safe into our house. :D (Oh, the picture of the red sign is just something we walked past that I loved. It says, "As long as one person is oppressed, no one is free". The little white sign says, "When will it be Independence Day in Iraq"? I really loved it so I had to take a picture. Chaz had the camera today so he got "snap happy" taking pics of Charles and I(Ryan did some too, even Kyle). He's real proud of them so I have to put them on here. LOL. He loves coming on here to see his pictures. Oh, I know you can't really see much from video. But... I really love the song. :D Proud to be an American!

Here are a LOT of pics!

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