Saturday, July 12, 2008

The Herd Getting Out

For Breana's birthday we took two separate vehicles to take her out some places. I guess more for us to all be able to get out and plus we needed to find her a gift she wanted. First we all went to the mall, the looks we got were pretty funny, with having all 10 kids with us. I guess you could say we looked like a herd. Hee hee. We kept counting the kids over and over so we wouldn't lose any. After the mall we spent some time at Mcdonalds and let the kids run some of their energy out. :D They sure did but they all still had lots to spare! LOL. While sitting at a table, the girls and I played makeup for 10 minutes, (that's why you see first pic of Ruthie with lipstick) then I had them wipe it off. :) After that we headed to Walmart because we found out that Breana really wanted the capri tights for her birthday to go under her skirts. Knowing how cute those look we definitely had to get a couple of them. We only spent a record time of one half hour in Walmart and headed out. Whoo hoo! :D We had to make a bathroom stop at a gas station since we needed gas. So once the herd all had their potty break, we finally got on the road. Then we finally headed home and rested a little (well, some sort of resting with the kids all having fun in the house or hosing off in the mud outside) before we started the baking.

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