Sunday, July 07, 2013

Rare Invites for Large Families

Oh, how I love to blog but I have gotten so used to not being on the Internet that it's hard to get myself to sit down at it. An Internet fast clears the mind and forces you to focus more on other important things. I love to read and learn. I love the Internet because of that very reason. However, I could read forever so I had to take that long break. Now, I'm having a hard time even wanting to sit down at it. ;P

It's no joke the daily care of big families. To me it's like rocket science and the organizing seems so hard. But ohhhh, how I love my job! I wish I was that amazing mama that can do it all but I can't.

Lately I've been focusing on just getting closer to each of my kids. I mean really, really getting to know them.  It's been awesome! I have one kid turning 13 next month and another next year. Chaz having aspergers isn't as far along as Ryan mature wise. In a different twist, it's like my 2nd born is actually entering his teens. He's experiencing temptation, peer pressure even from Christian kids, and has questions about how the body works. Sigh. Can I pleeeease rewind time and have my baby boys back? I keep counting down till they are 18 because I dread it so much!  I am like "Oh no, Chaz will be 18 in five years and one month. Let's go do something fun today with him."  I'm serious. I need to stop worrying and just be grateful all the time I've had. Man, 13 years just flew by. Sigh.


Sigh... Sigh... Sigh...


Moving on. I have met a wonderful person a few months back. God only knows I badly needed it. I needed a Christian mom friend that would be a great influence on my life and my kids. Someone who would challenge and push me along. I found her. Well, she was always there I just hadn't gotten over my shyness to say hi at church. One day I did and thank God!  So grateful! I fell in love with her little family AND their extended family. DO you know how often large families get invited anywhere? Not often. I don't blame why people would be scared. Most envision the worst thinking a bunch of kids are gonna come and break everything. Must clarify here.

Kids are not robots.
In my house they are allowed to express their thoughts. Respectfully.
Kids are a blessing in my eyes.
Even if they are your kids.
I don't expect them to sit down, shut up, and look forward with glassy eyes with no input.
I love the energy and joy them comes from kids. 
Kids can be seen and heard.
Jesus loved all the little children.
So do I.
Now you see why I have seven kids.

If you hate all those things then it'll be hard for you to enjoy having a large family over. Much less any family with kids. Don't get me wrong. I do expect my kids to respect the house. I also expect them to help clean up even if they didn't make the mess. I don't blame you if you are scared from one experience you had having kids over that break everything and yell all over the house. That would eek me a bit too. There is a difference between unruly and active. I just get sad when I see an adult jump on a kid for trying to talk with them.

I said all that to say I am so grateful to be invited to someone's house with my family! Wow!  I'm even more grateful to have met a new friend in a time where it's been hard to trust for me. A broken heart should not rob me of future friends. The same way I feel about people who swear they'll never go to another church because of a bad experience. You can't live like that! 

Thank God for friendship. Especially godly friendship.

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