My husband's been telling me I need to relax more. I had even stopped blogging less and wanted to stay on top of things more. Charles told me that I don't need to keep cleaning the same stuff over and over throughout the day. It's okay if toys are out and things get a bit messy from play. Just have fun with the kids, take time to blog or read a book, and enjoy life more! We can all day basic chores throughout the day and get our work done, but we don't have to go in circles doing it. I love my husband! We all do our chores at noon where we are thorough but we do another big pickup just before he gets home so daddy can walk into a neat house. :) Since it only takes 1 hour to get our work done at noon, it's a pretty quick pickup by the end of the day. Man, decluttering like a mad lady was soooo worth it. When I do laundry I keep a donated bag nearby. As I fold I can see what should be donated and put right into that bag. It doesn't make it back into the kids' closet to decide later. Right now I have a huuuuge donation bag just from doing this the last week of washing.
2. Get a bag or box labeled "Giveaway" and "Throwaway". Then I put back what was obvious of what was going back into the room and I would put it back immediately. As I was filling up the room with my favorites and for sure staying, I knew quickly when to stop because I loved how nice it looked. I didn't want to reclutter it because the room looked so beautiful without all that stuff! It made it sooo easy to throw all the rest out.
3. At the end of the day take a break and go donate the stuff. If you want to do a yard sale make sure to take the stuff OUT of the house completely. I put everything onto our back patio.
4. Each day I did one room and I did not stop for 8 days. I made sure each room was completely and totally done with all the messes cleaned up from it before starting the next room. We ate very, very simple that week because I didn't need to be making bigger messes that would make me feel discouraged.
5. If you blog, blog your successes! After my whole house was finished, since I didn't want to do a yard sale but my friend did, she came and picked up all the stuff off my patio. Get rid of it fast!