Monday, May 13, 2013

Guest Post: Live Naturally During Your Pregnancy

Live Naturally During Your Pregnancy
It's so easy to make excuses for eating poorly during pregnancy. Why not have the slice of pie or extra piece of candy? You already know you're putting on weight, so how could a few extra calories hurt? Unfortunately, eating poorly can diminish your energy and make you feel awful at a time when you should be healthy and happy. Instead of junk food and comfort food, take time during your pregnancy to research natural and healthy alternatives.
Getting in touch with your body is a big step to living naturally. You'll want to pay attention to how much energy you have, how your body feels and how what you eat affects you and your growing baby. Try some of these tips to increase your stamina and feel better during your pregnancy:
Prenatal Yoga or Pilates

Exercising during your pregnancy may not seem like it belongs on a list of "natural" things, but exercise secretly has lots of benefits. It makes your body stronger and more able to deal with being pregnant. You'll have reduced aches and pains, which means fewer medicinal treatments. Look for a specific prenatal class to learn poses and exercises that are good for you and your baby.
Drink Water

Water flushes toxins from your system. It also hydrates you and makes you feel better. You'll also feel fuller, which can reduce your need to eat junk food. While you shouldn't diet when you're pregnant, that doesn't mean you have to overboard. Water can help you with that.

Eat Organic Foods

Whenever possible, strive to eat raw and organic healthy foods. Carrots, apples and spinach are all excellent options that are relatively easy to find in organic form. Try farmer's markets if you can, or use coupons at the grocery store to bring the cost down.

Cut the Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates can make you feel sleepy and can lead to additional weight gain if you're not careful about eating them. When possible, try to eat fresh vegetables instead of carbohydrates. Swap pasta for steamed veggies and cut out bread whenever you can. You'll feel better and have more energy all throughout your pregnancy.
You don't have to make dramatic changes to live naturally and healthfully during your pregnancy. Make sure to talk with you doctor throughout your pregnancy. I was fortunate to talk to my doctor about every aspect (eating healthy, cord blood banking, swaddling and more!) Try making a few of these simple changes and see how you feel. You might even get inspired to continue living a healthy and natural lifestyle after your baby is born!

Katie Moore has written and submitted this article. Katie is an active blogger who discusses the topics of, motherhood, children, fitness, health and all other things Mommy. She enjoys writing, blogging, and meeting new people! To connect with Katie contact her via her blog, Moore From Katie or her twitter, @moorekm26

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