Tuesday, December 04, 2012

A Better Day Than Last

Yesterday was a great day!  I'm taking nerve pain medicine and so the pain has really gone down.  I woke up yesterday feeling fantastic.  I was excited to attack my house. Man, one day of not cleaning can make a house fall apart when you have a lot of kids. First we had Bible study with the kids. It was extra long because we were picking out a new character quality to study. I had one picked out that had to do with being content with what you have. That is until I looked up and saw all the kids arguing on the couch. Okaaaay, so I went ahead and picked Meekness vs. Anger. Yeah, that was more like it. We spent some time looking up scriptures and reading a story about dealing with anger. Then we read two chapters out of the book 90 minutes in Heaven. Wow, what an amazing book!  This guy had died for a whole 90 minutes.  Think about it. Its on record that he was dead for an hour and a half. The fact that he is fine and not a vegetable is a miracle in of itself.

The rest of the day we worked on our chores and then homeschooled. We are usually done by 3:30pm every day. Trust me, although we've been doing set chores for several years, it doesn't mean I don't have a battle. Especially when we are coming off the weekend where we are busy doing stuff. They get out of their routine quick and it can be a battle to stay consistent. Its completely worth it to fight for it every day. Laziness comes quickly and I have to battle it with my kids constantly.  Some people tell me they give up on their kids because its too much of a battle. Believe me, I know.  I've battled my kids for several years.  However, I can't let them get away with laziness because some day they will have to have jobs and/or their home to care for. It will do them an injustice to pave them an easy and lazy street. Laziness is in all of us, I was probably a true case a decade ago. I finally figured out that I was a grown woman and no one was gonna pick up after me. It was either sit down and wait for the house to clean itself or start pushing myself to be a better housekeeper. Back then I didn't have old enough kids to start helping with the chores. I'm glad I fought the battle long ago on myself so I could train my kids properly.  My poor mom, she tried so hard to get me to learn this but I was so stubborn.  Back then I guess I thought when I got married the house would come equipped with robots to clean.

Last night my neighbor asked if I could help her get her medicine.  We take the same kind. She also needed me to take her to Home Depot for some stuff she needs.  Yeah!  I love that store.  I prefer that place over going to the mall. While there I bought some plants for my backyard. The garden is my favorite area to go and always calms me down if I'm feeling any stress.
Well, today we are working with the kids to make a fire escape plan. Its about time we talk about what to do in case of a fire. I don't know why I took so long to do this, it just didn't occur to me before. So now is the time.  ;)
Pictures: Kyle and Juliet, Ivy put glasses on her baby sister

1 comment:

Zion said...

Glad to hear that you are feeling better. Juliet looks so cute!