I went home and took another test and it was also positive right away. I didn't tell Charles yet. I just asked if I could talk to him. I told him I was sorry for being so emotional lately. (I even cried for know reason while driving my car today). Also I told him I wasn't trying to be so tired all the time and I was sorry for sleeping more than usual. He said, "Yeah, you've been going through a lot, baby. It's okay," and he hugged me back. Right then I thought to myself, "Man, I have the best husband ever." Then I held up the pregnancy test and said "Here's why." He said "What's THAT? What? (Gasp) Are you pregnant?" He got a HUGE grin and gave me a BIG, BIG hug. He said "That explains a LOT!" Haha. He went and got the kids and excitedly told the kids God is giving us another baby. Their heads slowly turned towards me and everyone had huge grins on their face. Well, except for sleeping Ashley and baby Caleb who was cuddling his big brother. They were so happy and all said they were hoping it's a girl. Ryan shouted, "I bet Caleb is so happy he gets the be the big brother finally!"
Well, I get nervous every single time. EVERY TIME I find out I'm pregnant. A million scenarios go through my head. Wondering if I have the patience, finances, Charles was just thinking about going back to school, if my van is big enough (no it's not). I was thinking about my health and what happened last time. I thought about "friends" I had lost in the process because they were so angry I was pregnant the last time. Charles had just lost is job last time I found out I was pregnant. This time he has a job and insurance. I have to thank God for taking care of us. He's always provided.
God designed families. NO MATTER how many times the world says it's time to quit, no one, NOT ONE, has been able to show me a scripture about limits. I don't know. God was pretty detailed about explaining things. Some must think He forgot to adds limits. Maybe he was too busy and forget to add that part in the bible.
I really need to come up with a new name for my blog but I'm just not really creative.
WOW! You're catching up, girl! Congrats!
Here's my mother of many tip: QUIT k12! If you can handle it, you're a better mommy than me. :/ Or maybe AZ's requirements are not as stringent as Oregon's. We lasted one year.
Anyway, happy for you!! :) You go girl!
I did quit! Hahaha! I'm so happy. It's funny because my husband and I decided the night before I found out I was pregnant to quit K12. We are going with a program that is much better and takes less time. I feel so much better and the kids were so happy
WAAAHOOOOOO! So excited for you. I know what you mean. With my second I took a test and then had to go to church and not be able to tell anyone! My mind was racing!
Congratulations! I'm so excited for you and your beautiful family!
Yayyy! :)
Congratulations! If a friend is no longer you friend because of the size of your family then they weren't really your friend in the first place. I hope you have a safe and easy pregnancy :)
Maybe this time it will be twins! Yay! Very happy for you!
yeah!!!!!!! I knew you'd go for #7 and God's surprises are the best. I worried about a rough pregnancy with my 7th and it was a long 9 months, but the reward was worth it. We just had our 7th a little over a week ago now. email me your address so i can email you a picture. keri.jo@live.com
Wow congratulations! For some reason I wasnt expecting you to be expecting for a long time:):):) Not sure why but how exciting!!!!! Hope u wont be too sick! Whay a cute reaction your hubby had!:):)
With that kind of reaction from your husband, you truly have the BEST! Good luck on your pregnancy! :)
Psalm 127:3-"...the fruit of the womb is his reward." Hebrews 11:6-"...he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him."
Fantastic news!!!!!! Yay, a pregnant blogging friend :)
What a blessing!
Congratulations!! That's good news. Can't wait to hear more about the pregnancy and eventually... see the baby!!
Babblin' Brooke
Congrats to you and your family!
Oh yeah, for the blog title...what about amazingkids...that way you don't need to keep changing it. :-)
oh my gosh, i am finally reading my emails and i was floored when i saw yours! congratulations! this is terrific news. please promise me you will take it easy on yourself with homeschooling b/c growing a baby is a big deal. take your naps, relax, the kids WILL learn, trust me. just taking them places helps them learn. i had a cousin who at age 17 would not deal with someone like a grocery checker b/c she didn't know how. my 10 y.o. has no problem dealing with adults b/c we are out all the time. you are wonderful! don't forget all the nice things your friends online say about you! wish we lived closer :-)
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