Caleb is now 4 months old. He has been fussing a lot at night. I wasn't sure if it's tummy but I started to finally realize that he wasn't getting enough milk nursing. He certainly wasn't having enough wet diapers. Finally, during Sunday School at church, I drove to the store to get him some formula. I felt so bad about it. I'm not a staunch nursing mom it's just that I do believe it's some great stuff! Plus, formula soooo nasty tasting. Bleh. I gave my church nursery the bottle and they said Caleb chugged it and wanted more. NOW, he's exploding in his diapers! LOL. Not trying to gross you out but that is a good sign. He's in the 25th percentile so now he should finally gain some weight. He's also sleeping better at night so I'm getting some rest too.
Anyhow! It's been pretty warm here. So much so that my kids have been having a blast making mud pies in the back yard and just making a mess in general! Letting the kids go mud crazy makes a big job for me when its cleanup time but who cares? They are having tons of fun and using their imagination. I love how they are playing together making up stories together.
Cute photos! Our baby is gaining weight too, but only with the feeding tube. He still has trouble eating with his mouth. No idea why.
I hope Caleb is happy now! Can't have our babies hungry now can we! He looks adorable in the cot with his big brother.
good thing you figured out what it was! Sometimes it takes a while:)
do you feel dissapointed at all or are you ok with how nursing is turning out?
Daddy Forever- Awww.. why does he still have to have feeding tube. I thought it was just because of flu?
Chris H- Caleb is so much happier! He is also sleeping better because of it. I was getting up 7 times a night usually and so we were both not getting any rest.
momto9- I'm so glad you see you again! It's been so long! I always feel bad when I have to switch to formual. I am able to nurse him sometimes but only maybe twice a day. I will go as long as possible.
I didn't have enough milk for my 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th babies. Formula was an absolute Godsend to me, not only because they had lost so much weight after birth and NEEDED it in order to survive, but also because it gave me a little more flexibility for my busy days. I didn't have to pull over in a van full of kids to nurse a screaming baby anymore, or I could go grocery shopping and not worry about baby getting hungry while I was gone. I nursed as much as I could, but I'm so thankful I had the bottles to make up the difference.
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