Today, in the morning, I couldn't make it to church because my jaw hurt so bad and I had to just take medicine and sleep. By lunchtime, I asked my husband if he would take me to get some soup. I was so hungry. A sweetheart that he is, instead of ordering his favorite meal, he just ordered soup like me. :D I really wanted to make it to church tonight so I got ready and went no matter how I felt. During prayer time (before church) in the annex, the pain was so bad. Finally I took some medicine a half hour before church started. It always just takes the edge off but not all the pain. Still my jaw was locked. During song service I just hummed along, wishing I could sing. I love praise and worship time. :) Before the sermon, pastor always has a short prayer time where we pray for our needs. I asked God if He would unlock my jaw and help me heal fast. Shortly after, before service was even over, I tested my jaw and it opened right away! I hadn't been able to open it in 3 days and within a half hour of praying, I could open my jaw. I may have been able to sooner but I didn't even check. I couldn't believe it! Yay! After church, I bought a baked potato from Wendy's and I scarfed it down like a crazy maniac. I still can't chew hard stuff but at least now I don't have to sip soup threw my closed jaw. Yay! (Even as I type, so much pain is gone that I no longer need my Tylenol/Codeine medicine which is a total miracle.) So, right away, when I got home I checked the mirror because I wanted to see what my mouth looked like where my wisdom teeth were removed. I almost fainted. Two huge holes that I can see down in. So gross! So then I went to my husband and without warning, I showed him so he'd be grossed out too....... Hee hee. He was.
Glad you didn't post a photo of that.
Yay for answered prayers! Glad you are better.
Keep eating for Caleb! Many hugs!! What a hard go you had of it.
I wouldn't have been able to look...I would have fainted! :P
The power of prayer - I love it!!
Only read about your operation now. OUCH! :) So glad it's all healed up now.
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