*I have this great book with tons of hints in it. I will share 13 of them with you. I think I'll send some out once a week or something like that. These are great.
Air Freshener
Spray aerosol furniture polish behind central heating radiators. The heat will disperse the perfume for some time. Or... Wipe down radiator with a cloth moistened with a fabric conditioner.
Arranging Flowers
Never mix cut daffodils in with other cut flowers as they produce a toxin that kills the other blooms.
Baking Powder
Test baking powder by putting a small amount in hot water. If it bubbles, it is still fresh. (I'm gonna just try that for fun).
Clogged Drain
If the drain in your sink is clogged, pour 1/2 cup of baking soda over drain. Then pour a cup of vinegar over it. Leave for a minute until it foams, then pour hot or boiling water down drain. Repeat if necessary. Or use soda crystals.
Cut Flowers
To keep cut flowers fresh for a longer time, mix 2 tablespoons of white vinegar and 2 tablespoons of sugar in a quart of water. Use this in your flower vase. And... Before you place the flowers in the vase, cut the base of each stem at an angle. Or...Add lemonade to water.
Dishwashing Liquid
This is great for cleaning greasy or soiled hands, after working on the car or in the garden. (In case you weren't sure, this also cleans your dishes. Just making sure you knew.)
Faded Carpets
Restore by hand painting with fabric dyes. (This is why I just installed ceramic tile instead. It scares me to think what's hiding in carpets more than how faded they are.)
Flies On Windows
To prevent flies landing on a window, rub with cold water and a few drops of paraffin/kerosene. (Um, really? Kerosene? I'm sure if my house caught on fire, the fireman would wonder why my windows are exploding at a rapid rate. I'll have to think about this one. Or I wonder what would happen if I walked by the windows with a lit candle? Hmmm. I don't know, maybe I'm just a worry wart.))
Freeze Candles
Candles kept in the freezer burn more slowly and evenly. (This works great)
Fresh squeezed Lemon Juice
Freeze in an ice cube tray. You'll have small amounts for recipes that need 1 or 2 tablespoons. Thaw in microwave or drop into hot sauces. Or... Drop a cube into a glass of ice water to freshen it up.
Heat Marks on Polished Furniture
Make up a paste with cigarette ash and olive oil. Apply to the mark and then rub off. (Yeah, that'll fly. I can just see me sneaking into a restaurant to steal a full ash tray.) Or...
Pour a little linseed oil on mark and then sprinkle with sugar. Wipe off once the sugar is absorbed. (Thank goodness for the second option. I'd hate to see what headlines would say about me if I was caught stealing those ashtrays.)
Heat Stains on Stainless Steel
Hot stainless steel surfaces on toasters or kettles stain easily if they come in contact with plastic bags. Remove with nail varnish remover.
House Plants
If you have an aquarium, save the water each time you change it to water your house plants. They will thrive in this. (Yeah. that'll work great for me being that I can't even keep my fish alive for more than 4 days).
1 comment:
These are great, thanks for sharing. I have heat marks on my table but I can't see myself asking a restaurant (or bar since the laws changed) for their leftover cigarette ash. I'm going to try the linseed oil one!
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