I'm not sure if I ever updated how I have two new foster kids. One is 15 and the other is 11. Boy, it's been a journey. They have quite a bumpy road they've had to live. The hardest thing about being a foster parent is getting them the help they need, therapy, vision, dental, and doctor appointments and see them grow in maturity. To be with them through the tantrums, cops being called, being cussed out, but rejoicing when growth and changes are happening. Even the tiniest change makes me want to rejoice! Those tiny changes towards healing is what makes it all worth it for me.
Here is the hard part. Knowing the case plan is set for reunification and almost nothing has changed. Situation is shaky at best with mom and kids are going back. As much as I want a stable life for these kids, all I can do is love on them, bring them to Jesus, feed, clothe, and care for till they go home. Boy, it makes it hard for me. Somehow I have to learn how to love and let go. NEVER, EVER do I want to keep children from a mother that is doing her best to change for the better.
This is what's even harder. Knowing when to just let go and let God. Or when to report when you know there is lots of lying going on and DCS thinks mom is doing fabulous. How would my conscience feel if they go back and get hurt? Seriously hurt? My heart hurts because the mom is actually someone I've known for awhile and a friend somewhat. We don't hang out but we are friendly and known each other for two decades.
Sigh. I have a love/hate relationship with fostering. Jesus, please give me peace in the path you want me to take. Give me discernment when needed. And, boy, do I need it! I love these kids, don't want to keep them from their mother, but also care for their safety. Thank you for blessing me with these beautiful kids.
Tuesday, July 18, 2017
Friday, July 14, 2017
Boys Home from Guatemala
Guatemala for my boys was an 8 day trip. Definitely an adventure! They saw a volcano nearby, visited many schools, an orphanage, took a boat ride, prayed with a lot of people, and brought food to homes. I'm SO PROUD of my boys. They definitely came back with a different perspective of America.
Ryan talked to me about how neat the market is. How the money I sent with him was so much more there. He didn't get much time to shop but it was neat how he was able to negotiate price. They brought home some interesting treats for me to try. :)
Chaz came home at midnight and immediately wanted to talk to us. He had a major experience during the missions trip. He absolutely loved praying with people and encouraging. He loved being busy every day even though it was tiring. There wasn't much time for play as they had their days packed with outreaching from place to place. Chaz was such at ease talking to people he didn't know. This is Chaz we're talking about here. If you go way back in this blog, to around 2005-2007, Chaz had a hard time with communication, and some violent behaviors. He's come such a long way! He's almost 17 and has such a big heart for people and patience for kids.
I'm glad my boys are home. Even though they're tired, in the morning we are volunteering at an orphanage here in the valley. I'm glad they get at least one day of rest. :)
Ryan talked to me about how neat the market is. How the money I sent with him was so much more there. He didn't get much time to shop but it was neat how he was able to negotiate price. They brought home some interesting treats for me to try. :)
I'm glad my boys are home. Even though they're tired, in the morning we are volunteering at an orphanage here in the valley. I'm glad they get at least one day of rest. :)
Tuesday, July 11, 2017
Guatemala Missions Trip Day 2
It's been so amazing watching the pictures roll in from the facebook page Kids N Missions. I can't wait to see how they're gonna be when they get back. My kids are so used the the amazing blessings of living in America. It's really hard to understand what it's like for kids in other nations that don't have such an easy way of life. I'm glad they get to see first hand.
The boys and the teens have been doing plays to communicate. Here is Ryan playing in one of them. :D
On one of the days they had hiked quite a bit to bring food to some people who have houses built into the hills.
Ryan and his friend praying for some Guatemala teens.
Ryan is the last boy in black shirt.
This picture is so beatiful. :D I love all these photos of the teens and also of the Guatemala culture and how they do things. Pretty amazing!
Sunday, July 09, 2017
Mission Trip to Guatemala Day 1

My husband was in an accident. So glad he make it out with only scrapes and bruises. But car was totaled. Do we stop paying for the trip and just buy another car? After a lot of prayer and thought we decided it was still going to happen for our boys because their heart was set on it and they wanted to go. They had been practicing for their plays and we couldn't do that to them.
So it happened! We got up at 1:30am to head to the airport. We were the first ones there out of the group. Man, it was such a maze and we were tired but the boys were hyped. They had never been on a plane before. As the group arrived the air got such an exciting feel for it. My heart leaped with joy because my boys were living my lifelong dream. To go to orphanages to see kids, minister to them, help feed them, and also take food to people alongside mountains. Homes that were built into the mountain. Long trails, hills, and winding roads but they excitedly were doing it.
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