Yesterday Ivy turned 5. She has been counting down since there was still 234 days left. Almost everyday I had to tell her how many days left till her birthda. She is so, so, so excited that she is going to be a kindergartener! I threw her a big party because it's a big birthday.

It was HOT in the house! Even though we had the a/c way down low, it was so hot in the house. When I left church (rushed) I got locked out of the house. I was trying to get there first so that I could decorate and surprise her and her friends. I had to climbed my fence in my church clothes to find my way around inside. Because we always, always are diligent to lock our house up, of course there was no way through. LOL. I felt like such a nerd standing there with my friend telling her we were locked out. For some reason I found a spare on me and we got inside. We were only inside for 15 minutes before the door bell rang and I had just got started. Yikes! I didn't even have the food started! Then we started to cook the food but the cord got unplugged to the grill and I didn't know for a long time. I didn't realize it till after the food was cooking properly for some time. Oh my goodness! Haha.
It was actually quite funny and through all of that we still had fun. She got blessed.
I had all the littler girls dress like princesses with even princess shoes. It was so cute. Wild but fun!!
Can you believe her Grandma found a Barbie Big Wheel? Do you remember riding those when you were little?? I loved those. She rides it all over the house. It was so, so worth it getting tile all over my house. :D
Ivy's Nana got her this bed spread. It is so pretty and really comfy! I might have to sneak a sleep on her bed some time.
Friends! It is so cute seeing them all together. These are Ivy's 3 best friends and she gets along with all of them so well. It's rare to actually see them all together like this. Really cute. :)