Saturday, November 22, 2008
Friday, November 21, 2008
How Obama Got Elected... Interviews With Obama Voters
This makes Democrats look really, really, really bad. Whether they admit it or not, they watch too much TV. It's crazy how they bought into all the stuff about Palin but knew nothing about their own candidate. Crazy, crazy.
Changing Schools...Again.

You know, there is this academically great schools that I drive my kids to everyday. The teachers are so awesome, as I said, academics are awesome. But... the kids there have a lot of behavior issues. During the time that I homeschooled my kids, my boys were doing chores, helping me cook, didn't have other negative behaviors influencing them. They really made a big turn around. Since I enrolled them back in the school, they went completely backward again. It wasn't right away, just slowly as the months went on. There is excessive bullying on the playground and my boys are getting punched almost daily. Enrolling my kid in another school around me has almost been impossible. I live in an area where the schools are mostly Hispanic. The teachers are really behind just trying to teach the kids the English language. I went looking in my area and happened to find 2 charter schools. I found a small one that's only been opened 1 year. It's brand new. It's small so there is no playground, but it is culturally diverse which is what I like. The other school I found was big and gorgeous. It looked immacullant and I had high reviews from one person. However, when I looked them up on, there were so many negative reviews that I had to give that one up. A big complaint was that there is a high turnover rate with the teachers and staff. That is a bad sign. Sigh. So this one school I'm considering is my last option and I'm gonna go look at it today. If it doesn't work out, I will be pulling my boys and homeschooling them again. I really do believe outrageous, bullying, and rebellious behavior that is not dealt with in a classroom or playground only rubs off on other kids. I DON'T like Chaz getting punched everyday and on the bus. I don't like how BADLY their behavior has turned since they attended the school. So something has to be done. I need my boys back. For the sake of me, and for the sake of their little souls. They are in a very moldable stage right now. I'm not gonna wait till their teens to start figuring it out.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Spirit of Antichrist

My dad went into Walgreens yesterday and saw a lady who was crying that was working there. In order to in some way comfort her he asked her if she was okay. He then shared the love of Christ with her. Just told her that Jesus loves her. The next day he had to visit Walgreens again, and happened to run into the same lady. He saw that she was smiling and happy again and talked to her a little as he checked out. He again told her that Jesus loved her and he walked out of the store. Away from the store and about to get in his car, he heard a lady calling after him. She was the manager. She said, "Sir, you are no longer welcome in this store for harassment". My dad said, "for telling her that Jesus loved her?" Angry and without answering she walked back into the store.
Is this what America is coming to? Doesn't it strike you odd that this country was founded upon Christian principles yet you cannot tell someone that Jesus loves them in a public setting? Doesn't it seem odd that you would not get kicked out of a store for dirty language or even from words of hatred spewed at someone? What is so great about America is that we have the freedom to not only express what religion we cherish, but also share it through our rights of Freedom of Speech. That's part of what makes America so beautiful. This is the spirit of the Antichrist. No joke. People who don't think times are changing either have their heads stuck in a TV or are so blinded by Obama's white tooth smile that they don't know up from down spiritually speaking. All they know is America is gonna "change". For the better? That's not what the bible says. We are truly in the last days.
Bows and More Bows!
So detail. I just finished a study group that we were doing for 3 weeks. I would go every Thursday and stay all day for 14 1/2 hours. Torture. That's when my new friend Cynthia and Amie saved the day. They brought their crafts. I have to admit. I've never been crafty. Only in the bad sort of way. Before I became a Christian. Ha ha. While Cynthia did her own crafts, Amie showed me how to make bows. I did a few at home after I went to the Ribbons and Lace shop. I was bummed that I didn't get a chance to visit the store again before going in to my last day of the study. 14 hours? Oh man. I had nothing to do. Once again, Amie saved the day. She brought in her box of ribbons and let me get to work. By the time I was finished, and several hours had passed, I had made quite a few bows. I have a total of
29 bows. I always make them in doubles so Ivy can have pig tails as an option. To top it off, I got the idea from another store to make the headbands for Ashley but leave out the bow. I just wrap a little bit of ribbon around the center and use it to stick one of Ivy's bows into. So they are all interchangeable. So I made a black, white, and pink one. So instead of making 20 headbands for Ashley, I just have 3 base colors. Then I click Ivy's bows on them according to what Ashley is wearing. Such a sweet, sweet idea! So the headbands you see in the picture of of Ivy's bows on them. Then I changed it out and put other bows on them. :D
Thursday, November 06, 2008
14 Hours In The Pit
That's my version of my research study I am involved in right now. It's testing a vitamin pill. It's kind of heavy duty for how much we have to put into it. It runs for 3 weeks. I go every Thursday and stay all day for 14 1/2 hours. They basically observe us that day. We take a vitamin pill in the morning. Then I go back once in the morning on Friday and once at night. Repeat next week. So, I've done two weeks worth now and next week I'll be done. Then I get my $900. Yup. $900! Very helpful. I'm in a crowd of VERY diverse people. So lesson 1 was learned today. Don't talk politics. Someone brought it up. They found out I voted McCain and, I'm telling you, it got very heated in there. Most instantly became angry and freaked out seriously bad. It got crazy. I tried to calm them down. (I notice that party tends to be like that at protests and stuff. You ever notice that? The Republicans are politely protesting while the Democrats are screaming, fighting, and getting arrested? Interesting). So, in order to calm the room down, I said, "You know, whether we voted Republican or Democrat, we only know what we've been told about them. We don't know them personally, we haven't sat down and had coffee with them. We hear what media wants us to hear". It didn't help. They believed they knew everything there is ever to know about Obama AND McCain. It was pretty funny. So, thankfully they called us all to breakfast and it broke up the discussion before I got shot! Ha ha. So, my new found friends and I all spent time in a separate room away from the group just to get away but also to have something to do. So my friend was showing me how she makes bows for her daughter. So I made a cute headband for Ashley. We all arrive at 6am and leave a little past 8pm so we have a very, very, very, very, very looooooong day. There is really nothing else to do beside watch movies, read a book, or talk. So here is some pics on some projects us girls were doing. My friend made the cute bows and I made the baby headband. I'm gonna totally go out and buy the ribbon to make the bows for hair. So cute. :)
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Fun At Home
Look at what they go through every day. Riding in a wheelbarrow. Sitting in her kitchen in the playhouse. Being pushed around in the stroller. So, she chicks should be set. I wanted to show you my fountain. I always love looking at it and seeing the little girl bend over to catch the water. So, so, so relaxing. The pic of the side yard with my garden is my favorite I go to several times a day. Do you like my nice weeds right in the center? Aren't they pretty?? Ha ha.. I'm gonna work on that today. They are not in my garden though. They is a gate separating the chickens because otherwise they would dig holes in the garden. Speaking of digging. In the cute pics of Ivy and Ashley, you can see shredded stuff everyone from my dog shredding up her bed like crazy. It's a really nice bed so come winter, if she keeps at it, she'll have no nice warm bed. Ivy is sharing her lollipop with Ashley in these pictures. Do you know why my kids always strip down to their underwear? Because we have so much dirt outside they get really filthy fast. So they figure it's just easier. LOL. As soon as we walked in the door when we arrive home, BAM, they all strip. If I don't want them to, I have to say it right when I get home in case we are going somewhere else. Sheesh!
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Sunday, November 02, 2008
Halloween Fun!
Halloween was our usual tradition of taking our kids to Grandma and Granddads house for trick or treating in there area. It's a nice time for the kids to be with them and also a great area for going on such a mission. Getting candy. haha. I don't have the actual pictures of Halloween day because I did not have my camera with me that night. Chaz and Ryan were SWAT, Kyle a firefighter, Ivy a fairy princess, and Ashley a bunny. It was so cute. After that they headed to a party in the church annex for kids where they play lots of games and win prizes. It's always crazy, yet fun, and of course they brought home more Goldfish they won. (They are gonna end up in my friends fish tank since mine never leave past 3 days). In these pics, the kids were having fun all exchanges costumes so the girls look so cute in them.
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